.. At the' Landrum Hallowe’en Carnival Miss Iris Dill was crownecT queen and George Camp bell, king * of the high school. Taleene Kinerman and Jackie Tur ner were named queen and king for the grammar grades. The tur key was won by Mrs. Frank Brown; guessing masked persons by Mrs. Calvin Edwards. Com mittee included Misses Marjorie Littlefield, Myrtle Foster, Mary F. Gosnell, Pamelia Koon. “It is always interesting to hear of Nancy Bomar Stringer and the way in which her talents are ap preciated—this time it is to hear of a exhibit of her portraits which was held at St. Mary’s School, Mt. Saint Gabriel, Peekshill, New York, Saturday afternoon—a num ber of friends here received invita tions to jthis one-painter exhibit— Nanvy has shown herself an able portrait painter and it is hoped she will have an exhibit here before FOR SALE Modern 9 ROOM HOUSE Located in Columbus on corner lot, opposite County Court House. / This house ciuld be used, as a rooming house /dr boarding houpe, boti/ of which are neeped in J^olum bus. / y % PricWmooo COL U M BUS REALTY CO. Ernest Gibbs, George Marting Phone 2316 Columbus, N. C. too long.—Mary H. Phifer in The Spartanburg Herald-Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll G. Bennett have returned from a week’s stay in Virginia and the East. There will be a string band to play for the square dance at-the Hallowe’en Carnival on Trade Street on Wednesday evening. The school children, parents, and friends are invited to the event. FOR RENT ment, 3 roon Lodge on 104-R, Mrs. «T Furnished Vlkpart s and h*fn. Tryon ilrose^^Cvenue. Tel. hivifTTodd.—-Adv. c. It SUBSCRIPTION RATES, TO THE BULLETIN 1 year in the County - - $5! 6 months in County - - $2.00 6 months Elsewhere - - - $2.50 1 year Elsewhere - - - $4.00 Less than Six Months, 60c per month anywhere. HALLOWE’EN ITEMS Pap^r table cloths and napkins in as? sorted patterns. M Greeting Cards ^