HOSPITAL NEWS The following patients were ad mitted to St* Luke’s Hospital: Mrs. T. C. Ford, Landrum; London Mills, R-l, Tryon; Otis McKissick, Tryon; Russell Scott, R-l, Land rum. Patients discharged include Mrs. Horace Russell and baby daughter of Columbus; Miss Kath leen Middleton, R-l, Saluda; John Henry Constance, Lynn; Mrs. Clark Moore and baby daughter of Tryon; Mrs. Jason Booker and baby son of Tryon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gosneil of Tryon are the parents of a boy born October 29th, instead of a girl as previously reported. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Crocker Jr., of Bel Air, Md., who have been on their honeymoon at Sea Island, Ga., are guests of Mr. Crocker’s aunt, Mrs. E. Pue-Wil liams, while enroute home. Mr. Crocker is assistant editor of the Aegis at Bel Air. FOR SALE FARM 55 acres located on White 0