THE TRIM DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 294 TRYON, N. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1951 Published Daily Except (Eat. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 Weather Monday: High 59, low 30, Rel. Hum. 42 . . . General Eisenhower states that he hasn’t authorized anyone to start a “Draft Eisenhower for President” cam paign .... Most of the northern states have been hit by freezing weather with 129 deaths reported so far .... President Truman calls on CIO to move defense pro duction into high gear as next year will be crucial for everyone .... “Resort Management” and “Hotel World.” two national publications, ' recently cited the North Carolina State Advertising program as model amoncr state promotional op erations. Charles Parker is the tte Advertising director and de hsd an address before the As-, lation of National Travel Or ganizations at Mackinac Island, Mich., in September .... Tryon is gradually becoming a land of home owners for young people as well as for the retired. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilson, nee Gelolo Iris Kell, of Grand Rapids, Mich., have bought the half interest of T. E. Kell in the new Kell aoartment house on Roraima near the Catho lic Church. The other half interest is still held by Mr. arid Mrs. J. S, Kell, parents of Mrs. Wilson, and the apartment house will be known in the future as the Kell-Wilson -apartments ..... About • 100 ___Continued on Back Page—... Landrum Election Today; Conflicts Are Reported About 450 voters are being called on today to choose a mayor and four councilmen to operate the town government of Landrum for the next two years. The election ballot carries the names of 12 candidates for council and two for mayor. Earlier in the campaign three other persons had announced but failed to qualify according to Town Clerk B. P. Thomson. They are Leroy Rowe, candidate for mayor and J. E. Greenwood and E. R. King for council. Clvde Gome-. town attorney requested registra tion certificates from all candidates and election supervisor Jack Car ruth reported that he did not find the names of the three disqualified candidates on the registration books. As the result of an appeal to Spartanburg County Registra tion Chairman John T. Chandler, it was found that the registration books must be closed 30 days before an election and that any official is suing a certificate during the time is subject to a $500 fine. The voting box is at the Landrum Fire Station and is in charge of Jack Carruth, J. L. Petty, Kermit Bullock and Boyce Bagwell. The candidates for mayor are Wade j?;taggs, and Robert Metcalf. For council: B. Frank Carruth, Wesley H. Bridgemjan, Joe Bag well. Earlie Ballew,* Major Belue, O. T. Brady, V. L. “Pete” Gaines, P. C. Lancaster, J. Wesley Mize. Frank Owen,'Leonard Smith and John Higgins. The number of hogs produced by U. S. farmers is leveling off after having gone up each year for the past 5 years.