Legal Advertisement NOTICE State of North Carolina, County of Polk. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Polk County made in a special proceed ing therein pending entitled “G. L. Collins, Mrs. Jesse Horne and Mrs. B. E. Collins, as Executor^ of the Last Will and Testament of Mrs. C. R. Collins, Deceased, W. T. Collins, et als, Petitioners, vs. Preston Collins, Wallace Col lins, 'Gerald Collins, Sadie Col Whs and Louise Edwards, the last Hwe being minors. Defe nd ants,” and signed by Robert S. McFarland, Clerk of the Superior Court, the hereinafter described property was sold as a private sale on November 5, 1951, by the undersigned commissioner; NOW, THEREFORE, under and bv virtue of an order of resale upon an advance bid made by Robert S. McFarland, Clerk of the Superior Court, the undersigned commission er will on the 30th day of Novem= her, 1951, at 12:00 o’clock noon at the door of the courthouse in Co lumbus. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash noon an opening bid of Fifteen Thousand Two Hundred Seventy five ($15,275.00) Dollars, but sub ject to the confirmation of the court, three tracts of land lying beiner in Greens Creek Town T®lp, Polk County, North Caro lina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a post oak, Mc Farland's corner, and running S. 57 West 34 poles to a stone on the east edge of the Mills Gap road; thence with it S. 33% East 10 poles to a stone; thence East 64 poles to a post oak; thence S. 1 West 96 poles to a Black Jack; thence East 129 poles to a stone (•’•OSS on H. W. Blackwell’s line; thence with it N. 20 E. 49 poles to an ash on Mills Creek and A. Horne line; thence with Horne line N. 89 W. 31 poles to a white oak (gone), his comae on the side of the creek; thentie itirith his line N. 1% E. 91 poles"to a P; dftk, comer of L. B. Jackson and Home's line; thence with Jackson line passing his comer N. 65 W. 130 poles to a stone; thence S. 67 W. 44 poles to the BEGINNING, containing one hundred and sixty two acres .less fifty (60) acres sold off to M. R. Russell by me by deed duly executed. Paid lands lying on the water of Mill Creek and being patent No. 1013 and the same as that conveyed to me by Thomas Feagan and Elvia Feagans by deed dated 30 Jan. 1892, and registered in the offilce of Register of Deeds for Polk County, North Carolina, in Book 10 of Deeds, Pages 90 and 100. The above described was con veyed to C. R. Collins by IX M. .Collins by deed. dated November 10, 1905, recorded in Book SSI, Page 146, Polk County Registry. TRACT ONE: BEGINNING on a stake at place of Black Oak, 6th corner of Mrs. C. R. Collins' home tract, and M. A. Cornwell’s corner in Spartanburg road; thence with Cornwell's line East (va. 2 deg.), 200 feet to a stake; thence South 51% West 149 feet to an iron pin in center of Spartanburg road; thence with center of road North 38 West 134 feet to BEGINNING, containing 23-100 of an acre. TRACT TWO: BEGINNING on a stake at place of Black Jack, 6th corner of Mrs. C. R. Collins' home tract and M. A. Cornwell’s corner in Spartanburg road; and runs with center of road North 32 West 696 feet to stake, one pole east of large Red Oak in center of road, Cornwell's corner; thence South 85% East 395 feet to stake . in Collins’ line: thence with said line to the BEGINNING, contain ing 3 acres, more or less. The above described two tracts of land were conveyed to Mrs. C. R. Collins by M. A. Cornwell, S. J. Feagan and Ida Feagan, his wife, and R. L. Cornwell and Jeannette Cornwell, his wife, by deed dated May 26, 1928. recorded in Book 65, Page 192, Polk County Regis try. This 15th day of Nov. 1951. G. L. Collins, Commissioner. 19th, 26th.—bul.