THE TOT DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vinina. Editor Vol. 24—No. 310 TRYON, N. C„ WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28TH. 1951 Published. Daily Except (Eat. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday6c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Monday: High 59, low 37, Rel. Hum. 75 . . . The Armistice negotiators jstill talking. . . . Capt. George' Cooksey of the U. S. Air Force flew over Tryon this morning while enroute on a mission . . . The Tryon area was beautiful last night and early this morning with a light snow that covered the mountains, trees and lawns, but did not stick to the roads and warmer earth. Thousands saw the Santa Claus parade in Forest City Monday. Tryon friends of the Christmas Spirit Will start soon to decorate Trade Street with lighted trees. If some money ■ doesn’t start coming s«| the committee will have to bHw. some and do the job on faffn. This is everybody’s Christ mas decoratioif and gives joy to all—the just and the unjust—rich and poor; and will be a constant re minder during the holidays of the importance of the Christmas Spirit in bringing happiness to all. Dona, turns in the past have ranged from $1, $2, $3, $5, $10, etc., depending on ability to pay, interest in the project, and other reasons strictly private, but the fact that nearly everybody gives, something toward it makes the project more meaning ful. There is nothing commercial about it. And the only reason it is handled through the Chamber of _Continued on Back Page_ ' * 4 < GINGER ANN CHATS There must be a beginning to everything. And this is one. It's Teen Age News from Tryon and the Schools. Its success will depend on friends and students. Wish it luck! Mrs. Beatson’s Seventh Grade had charge of the .Assembly pro gram Tuesday and had as guest speaker a former teacher of the Seventh Grade, Mrs. Norme D. Frost, the former Miss Betty Doubleday. She told of her inter esting experiences in Hawaii. Her husband, Col. Frost, was stationed there following service in Europe. The Beta Club has put a new drape over the stage curtains. The Girls Basketball practice has started and the first game is sched uled for Dec. 11, with Mill Spring. “The Tigers Roar", the Tryon High School paper, will come out Friday, Nov. 29th. It will be the school’s first printed paper since Moby Dick, Garland Goodwin and Joel Derby printed the Tryon Peek* on the school press how abandoned under the gymnasium. The new printed paper will have attractive pictures it is reported, something impossible on the mimeograph machine. From what Ginger hears Mrs. Rhodes’ Talent Show is going to be the 'real McCoy Saturday night. The profits go to improve the music department. Monday’s Asheville Times has a picture of Tom Arledge in line-up with the Eastern All-Stars defen sive team for the Optimist Bowl gaftie Friday night in Asheville. The acreage planted to cotton in 1952 will be considered as a part of the base acreage in establishing future cotton acreage allotments.