(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED .AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 rill! TOT DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 315 TRYON, N.~Oj WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5 . 19*51 Weather Tuesday: High 70, low 50, rain 3.56, Rel. Hum. 82 ... . Radio reports this morning state that it is freezing weather in Korea. Those members of the Mill Spring Baptist Church who sent clothing to Sgt. J. D. Coggin in Korea for distribution to the needy will take comfort in seeing pictures of the people wearing the clothes they sent. So often one wonders' if what ffliey send over will reach the persons the gifts are intended for. Elsewhere in this issue is a letter from Sgt. Cgggin telling about the gifts and j^^Jphotos of the people wearing <^Jrclothing .... W. W. Creasman states that the Tryon Fireman’s Santa Claus program plans are underway. Last year the Volunteer Firemen had a large lighted tree opposite the Tryon Bank & Trust Co. The beautiful blue lights were different and on a night appointed a Santa Claus program was given when all the children white and colored, were given candy - nnd .fruit. The Firemen expect to re peat the performance this year and all those who»donate to the cause will have a part in making a lot of children happy .... The green trees around the power poles on Trade Street are Jbeing put up and look. attractive even without Continued on Back Page__ Organ Meditation Today Craig B. Thomas, organist, will g-ive a program of organ medita tion this afternoon from 4:30 to 5 o’clock at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross. The public is invited. Mr. Thomas was tin organist at Camp Croft during World, War II and has been an accompanist at many ‘public gatherings ini $his area. The organ meditation will be presented the first Wednesday in every month. _h NEWS BRIEFS It is reported that the Tryon ABC officials will have their office upstairs' over Arledge Hardware Store. Robert H. Millikin will be the manager of the aBC store, ac cording to Chairman R. E. Bran ley. He and Clerks Euit Smith and Richard Davidson are now n train ing in Charlotte. No official an nouncement has been made but it has been estimated that the store' will open about Monday, Decem ber 10th. ^Scouting Makes Real Men Out of Boys,” Dobson Says “Scouting is a process which makes real men out of real boys through a real program that works,” W. A. Dobson, of Atlanta, Region 6 Scout executive, declared here Tuesday night. He spoke before more than 1Q0 scouters and guests at the annual dinner meeting of Spartanburg District of Palmetto Boy ^cout Council at the Episcopal Church of the Advent. Region 6 covers the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida, and contains -Continued on Back Page_