lfOHNI> If A7 KIWANIH Pipsldefil Libert (! A/ved-gs in rlmttrn i,f t.h* K l-»zn,z ytr/f~%e?, I'ltl'Oilrty <>* < >hlr ffiiti /Tote, called nn various comrr,■■'■>*.*. » * a.r ■ ntpit fin reports fin the mrk. Vllipit Mimpson, proarar/i e&airrf.xc . irvlrwed III*- program^ giv?c, it*/th* members nnd their gurst speakers. 111 > 11 n iwl l!rnf|y gay® a. repor*. or Hip changes in membership d lip' yi'iir and skated that the aver age a I tendance fur the year Tra.? Hi,1' ,, I’. L. Hhrrt‘-tM ga»e a r I'oH on I lie Whwl Chair committee n ml mi id that, the dub had i.r, wheel chairs, 18 beds and many crutches which were loaned to the people in Polk County and parts of Spartanburg and Greenville I’ounlics. Hill McCall told of the Kiwnnis youth program and men tioned some of the club project? as construction of, the Girl Scout swimming pier on Lake Lanier, riving of the sportsmanship trophy for the County Basketball Tourna ment and the citizenship trophy for Tryon school, and the giving of the prizes in the 4-H Home Beautifi cation Contest. Jim Gibson gave the year’s financial statement. Joe Kirby of Michigan City, Ind., and Frank Gallimore were guests of the club. HOSPITAL NEWS Miss Ruth Case of Columbus ar.-i Mrs. Sophie Lipscomb of Mill Spring were admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital. There were no discharges. F O R — Essoheat Fuel Oil Branded Coal Stove Wood CALL 15 4 TRYON FUEL SUPPLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES TO THE BULLETIN 1 year in the. County - - . $3.00 6 months in County - - $2.00 fi months Elsewhere - - - f2.50 1 year Elsewhere - - - $4.00 Less than Six Months. 50c per month anywhere. J r. r^ruw.nsr r-u* r-uk t. ItzZjrjiaud 0 ”-,3.-y* ? '.u’-Vt ' 7 i*"-Tri. }/-■;_ l~w }.>f ’ Road kc: rr«r. ; (■* magi.German £-i&22j&m CT^T’-jss. 2-a ~:r:~ ^ old. c'-Z* W. L- i.;cc ,.m». ?..; -^-.e 7, —A l"1 Litem^n': "j_ 1 - ;. CIVIC at Landrum TTT 7, y y.cn x y oyLY On ni** Sta^r*- I2. “SMOKY MOUNTAINEERS” OX THE SCREEN’ 'PRE-HISTORIC WOMEVr THURSDAY a ad FRIDAY Fre^Fne Marcr. Mir:ha Scott in “ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN” CORN KING BREAKFAST BACON 39c m BALLENGERS -FOODLAND TRYON, N. C.