4-H CLUB STUDENTS AT TRYON ASSEMBLY Students from Green Creek, Mill Spring, and Hendersonville told of their achievements in 4-H Club work at the Tryon high school as sembly on Tuesday. Mrs. Holland Brady, assistant county home demonstration and Earl Carter, assistant county farm agent, were in charge of the pro gram. Marlene McSwain of Green Creek discussed the importance of keep ing full and accurate records. Reba Wilson, also of Green Creek, described^ the 4-H Club convention held in Raleigh during the past summer. Roy Jack of Mill Spring told of the trip to Chicago which he won for outstanding 4-H Club work. ' Elizabeth Guice of Hendersonville described her trip to Europe last summer, during which she lived and worked with farm families in Belgium and Luxembourg as a good-will ambassador from the United States. She also showed slides which she made abroad. Mr. Carter presented a certifi cate of achievement to Robert Lee Shuford III, of the Tryon school, and Mrs. Brady presented certifi cates to Carolyn Placak and Phyllis Thompson. DUPLICATE BRIDGE TOUR NAMENT: Every Thursday eve ning at 7:45 at OAK HALL hotel, Melrose Ave. Master Point Tourna ment every third Thursday. Ev eryone welcome.—Adv. wed tf.