MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN'S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY. FOR SALE AT AUCTION to the highest bidder the old building of the Green Creek Baptist Church, Friday, Dec. 14th, at 10:30 a. m. Come and see it. Highest bidder gets it.—Adv. 11, 12, 13p. FOR SALE: A fine INCOME home property. First floor has two bedrooms, bath between. Large liv ing room with fireplace opens to screened porch. Dining room and kitchen. Second floor has apart fent with private entrance or can liised as one family home. Oil j>nace. Large, well wooded and landscaped lot. Garage. Price of $12,600 makes this worthy of your consideration. Richardson & Kar sten, Realtors, Phones 6 and 143.— Advertisement tf. FOR SALE: One 1951 Chevrolet Pick-up Truck and one 1936 Pick up Truck. Both in good condition. Compton Ritchey, Mill Spring, N. C., or write to Columbus, N. C.— A-dv. 12, 13, 14p. BIDE-A-WEE DOG FARM has installed an electric heating sys tem which will give the cold natur ed dog & warm bed. The rugged dog need not have heat. There is a small charge for heat in addition to the regular board.—Ad. 12, 13 14 FOR LEASE: To adults. An attractive new suburban home. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room and electrically equipped kitchen. Oil furnace and automatic wash ing machine in basement. Richard son & Karsten, Realtors. ’Phones 6 and 143.—Adv. tf. J. B. Hester, Insurance Since 1905; W. M. Hester, Real Estate Since 1923 HESTER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENCY Phone No. 37, Tryon GIFT SUGGESTION : A Portable Typewriter ELBERT H. ARLEDGE PRINTER Insulaire ROCK WOOL insula tion keeps your home cooler in summer and warmer in "winter. Easy F. H. A. terms. Superior In sulation Co., Hendersonville, N. C. For free estimates contact Arthur Atkins, Columbus, N. C.’—Adv tr. LAKE LANIER Drive-In THEATRE (The Latest News Release Monday and Tuesday) Thurs., Fri., Dec. 13, 14—Joel McCrea and Shelly Winters in FRENGHIE Saturday, Dec. 15—Double Feature—Roy Rogers in COLORADO And Margie Hart, Gale Storm in LURE OF ISLANDS ■ Sunday, December 16—Laurette Luez, and Allen Nixon in PRE-HISTORIC WOMEN Mon., Tues., Dec. 17, 18—James Stewart and Peggy Dow in HARVEY