(Est. 1-31-28) ENTERED AS SECOND _AT TRYON, N. Published Daily Except _Saturday and Sunday_6c Per Copy CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE C. UNDER THE ACT OP CONGRESS, MARCH 3. 1879 THE TRIOS DAILY B11LLET1S The World's Smallest DAILY Newspaper._ Seth M. Vinivcj. Editor Vol. 24—No. 323 TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 17 1951 Weather Friday: High 45, low 30, rain .41, Rel. Hum. 90; Satur day high 47, low 30, rain .60, Rel. Hum. 43; Sunday high 35, low 15, Rel Hum. 28 . . . The big headlines today tell about 56 people killed in an airplane crash at Elizabeth, N. J., and by the bitter cold that has gripped the nation with below zero weather in many places. Doro thy Dix, 90, noted columnist, died Sunday .... Tryon Kiwanis Club will have its toy program Tues day at Oak Hall at 1 p. m. Each membei is to bring another mem ber a toy which will later be turn ed over to a worthy cause . . . Ad ditional contributors to the Trade 2 vLeet Decorations to wish every oiie a Merry Christmas have come in from Mr. and Mis. A. R. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Mitchell, W. L. Hague, Miss Eunice Kirt land, Mrs. C. W. Higley, Tryon Federal Savings & Loan Assn., Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ferguson and .Timmy Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Guilbert . . . Buz Milli kin of Charlotte writes that st e’s coming home for the holidays and for Weatherman Creasman to nlease have some snow . . . The Eastern Star will meet tonight at the Masonic Hall .... Tryon women have shipped over 900 pounds of clothing to Korea. Miss -—Continued on Back Page_ Wilcox Leads Nation In Barred Rock Production Raleigh, Dec. 17.—Two North Carolina poultry breeders using the new 300-day plan of trapnest ing made excellent records for their breeds during the 1950-51 year, according to C. J. Mauoin, poul try specialist for the State Col lege Extension Service. T. N. Wilcox, Tryon, who pro duces Barred Plymouth Rocks, led all other breeders in the United States for this breed during the 300-dav period. Wilcox not only ob tained the highest per cent egg production for his entry, but also had the highest percentage to quali fy with official R. O. P. (Record of Performance) records. Beamsdale Farm, Shelby, ranked sixth nationally in per cent egg production in a group of 42 White Leghorn breeders using 300-day trapnestinir. This farm had an averas-e of 68.9 per cent produc tion for all birds entered in the R. 0. P. test. Per cent egg production for the Wilcox flock of Barred Rocks was 62.7 for all birds entered. i Mill Spring Musical Wednesday, Dec. 19, 8 P. M. The Mill Spring Glee Club will present a Christmas Musicale Wed nesday night at 8 at the High School auditorium, under the direc tion of G. J. Bemisderfer. Recent arrivals at Pine Crest Inn include Col. Lewis Bredin, Detroit; Capt. and Mrs. Walter M. Strong. Carmel, Calif.; W. B. Hazzard, Barbourville, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Schemm, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich.