(Est. 1-31-28) ENTERED AT r Published Daily Except Saturday and Sundew AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20,' 1928~ AT t—-C Per Copy TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARrwcf 1^79 0PFlCE llili TRYON DAILVUEfflS The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. nr tr Seth M. Vining, Edit,n+ Vol. 24—No. 333 TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, DECEMBER. 31 To^j Weather Sunday: High 61, low 39, rain .06, Rel. Hum. 75 . . . Dur ing the holidays while the weather man was on vacation the highest recorded temperature was 54 and the lowest 20, rain .26 inches. This is the last day of the month and of the year. A busy time for people in business, but tonight is a time for merriment. They criticised Lincoln for reading a joke book and laughing at a critical session of his cabinet. But he knew that numan Deings can stand just so much strain and then there must be relief. Laugh everytime you can Rid fight when you must. The sol er in the trenches wishes a Happy rsew Year for us all and wishes he were here, and so do we. God bless everyone of them . . . The biggest excitement over the week end here, was the crash of a Butler coal truck against the front glass window of the Betty Sturgis Shop. The driver of the truck, Homer Frye, said the truck brakes gave way coming down Oak Hall hill. He said he tried to steer the truck into the side street be tween the depot and the American Legion Hall, but a car was coming out of that street so he guided the truck into the only available parking space on Pacolet street. The right side of the truck scraped .^Continued on Back Page. Another Patrolman Here J. E. Ramsey, native of Kings Mountain, N. C., has arrived in Tryon to be an additional State Highway Patrolman to work with Patrolman W. R. Boyles. He and his ten-year-old daughter, Virginia Elizabeth, have an apartment at Mrs. C. A. Martin’s on Grady Ave., while Mr. Ramsey is completing his training period with Mr. Boyles. He was one of 26 graduates of the Highway Patrol’s Training School at the University of North Caro lina in Chapel Hill, where he re ceived his commission and was sworn in by Secretary of State Thad Eure on December 21st. After finishing his training period in Tryon he will move to Columbus, the County Seat, as soon as an apartment can be found. Mr. Ramsey was an infantryman in World War II and after the war he took an aviation course and holds a pilot’s license. Dinner For 45 Christmas Miss Jeannette MacGregor, coun ty superintendent of Public Wel fare stated Friday that the Salva tion Army from Spartanburg sup plied 45 Christmas dinners for wor thy people in Polk County. The list was supplied by Miss MacGre gor’s office. ON GODFREY PROGRAM Tryon radio listeners reported today that Arthur Godfrey was interviewing a group in New York this morning and that among the people there was a soldier, Dick Scudder of Tryon, N. C. Thanks to a number of Tryon radio listen ers for the news.