Your Neighborhood DRUGGIST for Over Half A Century. MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY ‘The Rexall Store.” Phone No. 4 COLUMBUS NEWS By Mrs. Edward Staggs. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Craig and children, Peggy and Butch, have re turned after spending Christmas with Mrs. Craig’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas, of Fair fax, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marting of Clarksville, O., are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George H. Marting. • ^Mr. and Mrs. Bob Edney of Wil ^K?ton are visiting Mrs. Edney’s pfrents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gibbs. Mr. Edney expects to return on Friday and Mrs. Edney will remain for a longer stay. Mr. and Mrs. James Vinson spent Christmas with Mr. Vinson’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vin son in Union. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shields and son returned to Winder, Ga., Wed. nesday after spending Christmas with Mr. Shields’ mother, Mrs. Mollie Shields. Out of town children who visited Mrs. Lizzie D. Ormand during the Christmas holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Upton of Canton, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hardin and children of Spindale, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sisk of Bostic. Mrs. Elaine Upton of Rock Hill remain •for an extended stay with her ‘her. Uut of town children who visited Mrs. L. B. Robbins during Christ was were Mr. and Mrs. Max Rob bins and son, Boyce Morris, of Nashville, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edgerton and son of Bostic, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Robbins and daughter of Avondale and Ray Rob bins of Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith are building a new home on Walker Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Wilds have moved into their new home recently purchased from Edwin Lanning. John Jones and Earle Hampton of Lockney, Texas, are visiting relatives here and in Polk County. CHRISTMAS ATMOSPHERE AT ST. LUKE’S HOSPITAL Nobody wants to be sick at Christmas but those of our friends who are in the hospital this year haven’t missed all of the Christ mas Spirit by any manner of means, this year, as always, St. Luke’s has been decorated with a Christmas tree and evergreens and holly and one visitor commented that he had never seen the hospital look as lovely and that the Christ mas atmosphere was noticeable the minute one entered the building. A real Christmas gift to each pa ient was a lovely evergreen wreath, tied with a big red bow and deco rated with a tiny reindeer or some other Christmas ornament. These wreaths were made and donated by the Girl Scouts of the Inter mediate troop, and were hung on each patient’s door. A real evidence or tne Lmristmas spirit to the stair of the hospital as well as to those confined in hospital beds during the holiday season. The special services committee of the Hospital Auxil iary wishes to thank the girl scouts and the troop leader, Mrs. H. O. Stoudenmire, for their very real contribution to the atmosphere of Christmas happiness and thought fulness at the hospital.—Contrib. RECTOR’S (For 22 Years One of the South’s Better Cleaners] TELEPHONE No. 203