(fist. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy FNTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Tli TIM DAILY BUTT! The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 339 TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 8. 1952 Weather Monday: High 56, low 56, Rel. Hum. 37 . . . The Eisen hower boom for President is grow ing and boosters all over the na tion join the cavalcade. The form er West Point football player who played against Lefty Flynn of Yale will probably be called on to be captain of the greatest team in the world, to battle against commu nism. In the midst of war news and Presidential nominations at tention is also centered on the struggle of Capt. Kurt Carlsen’s hurricane-shattered ship trying to «ch the English coast 100 miles |ty. The ship almost capsized urday .... The Kiwanis Club meets today at 1 ; the Country Club Bridge tournament at 1:30; the Bird Club meets with Mrs. H. Lan Moore on Howard Gap Road at 3 p. m. Subject, “Birds in Our Garden and How to Attract Them”. I,ions Club meets tonight at Oak Hall .... Holiday Magazine is interested is taking pictures of Tryon’s spring events including the horse and hound show, steeple chase, teas, dances and other spring life in Tryon .... Landrum Mas onic Lodge meets tonight at 7:30. . . Tryon will soon have connection with WSPA, Spartanburg, by re mote control, according to plans of a local advertiser. i Miss Faircloth Appointed On 2 District Committees Miss Esther P. Faircloth, R. N., Superintendent of Nurses at St. Luke s Hospital, was appointed on the publicity and finance commit tees of the North Carolina State Nurses Association for District No. 2 at a meeting’ held on Jan. 3rd at Lenoir. The topic for the meeting was The Growth of Nursing Service in India with Miss Mary Lefener, and Dr. William Hopper, both of the Caldwell County Public Health Department as chief speakers. There were 41 nurses and six guests present. HOSPITAL GRANT WINS APPROVAL Washington, Jan. 3.—St. Luke’s Hospital, Tryon, N. C., has re ceived preliminary approval of a Federal grant of $66,000 towards construction of a 43-bed hospital costing $150,000, Senator Willis Smith of North Carolina an nounced. Clement D. Stevens is chairman of the board of trustees of the hos pital, which will receive the funds from the Public Health Service un der the Hill-Burton Act. Organ -Meditation At Holy Cross Church Wednesday, 9th The half hour of organ medi tation at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross will be held on Wednesday from 4:30 to 5 p. m., with David Cromer at the organ. The period will be one half hour only and not to 5:30 as was er roneously stated in the advertise ment.