(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE r\ AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TIM DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 340 TRYON, N. C., WEDNESDAY. JAN. 9TH 1952 Curb Reporter Weather Tuesday: High 51, low 33, rain .03, Rel Hum. 58 . . En thusiasm is a great asset in any ^^ic project and it is gratifying -hIW&ee the increased enthusiasm and interest in the Tryon Riding & Hunt Club activities. That’s what makes the horse and hound show here a community project and dif ferent from any other in the world. . . . The Tryon Garden Club will hold a special meeting this after noon at 2 o’clock at Oak Hall for the purpose of acting on a busi ness matter in connection with Pearson Falls property . . . Funer al services for George Carson, 41, colored, who was burned badly Sun day night when his clothing caught on fire at his home and died about 2:30 at St. Luke’s Hospital, will be held Thursday, Jan. 10, at New Salem Baptist Church, Tigerville, S. C., at 2 p. m. He is survived bv his wife and five children . . . . fiual business meeting and sup of the Congregational Church ght at the church house. The dinner will be served at 7 o’clock and the business meeting will fol low at 8:15. SCOGGINS ABC OFFICER Trvon Police Officer Claud Scog gins has been employed as Tryon’s first ABC Chief Law Enforcement Officer, according to an announce ment by R. E. Brantley, chairman of the Tryon Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Chief Scoggins has been a law enforcement officer for nearly 25 years, having served as deputy sheriff, policeman and police chief, and as jailor for Polk County. WILLIS E. KUHN HEADS RIDING & HUNT CLUB Willis E. Kuhn, Indianapolis, Ind., automotive businessman and sportsman, who has a home in Tryon, was elected President of the Tryon Riding & Hunt Club at its annual meeting Monday night at Oak Hall hotel. Mr. Kuhn, wrho succeeds Austin A. Brown, has just completed a three years’ term on the board of directors of the club where he serv ed as chairman of public relations. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn have ! been regular riders here during I the season since their purchase | of the Cotton Patch, Hunting Country Estate of the late James H. Perkins of New York, former head of the National City Bank. I Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn own Folly i Farms and Stables, a large coun try estate near Indianapolis. Their horses have won many top honors in shows throughout the nation. The Kuhns have their own private plane and fly back and forth be ween their homes in Indiana and North Carolina in a few hours. They will be in Florida until the middle of February. | At the meeting Monday two new j directors were elected to fill the | expired terms made vacant by M*\ Kuhn and Dr. Austin Woody. They are James G. Ferguson, Chicago publisher and Doubleday represen tative who built a home here on Hearthstone Ridge and James Waller Marshall Jr., formerly of Winnetka, 111., a part time resi dent of Tryon for about 15 years until his graduation from Brown University last year when he ac cepted a position with the Hatch Mill and made his permanent home Continued on Back Page_