MONTE DEDMAN RESIGNS FROM LOCAL PAPERS Monte Dedman has resigned, ef fective February 1st from the staff of the Tryon Daily Bulletin and The Polk County News after many years’ service with the Polk Coun ty News and 17 years with The Bulletin. In addition to being foreman of both newspapers^ Mr. Dedman has served for a num ber of years as correspondent for Charlotte, Ashe ville and Spar tanburg news papers and as a special feature writer for various publications, and for a number of years conduct ed a column in The Polk County News entitled “As I See It”, in which he reported his observations on various topics and his philoso phy of life. For the past three years he has been serving as a magistrate for Tryon Township and this business ' has grown so that he found it al most impossible to serve both in stitutions to his satisfaction. He felt that he had to give up one of them. The praise he has re ceived from county officials and law enforcement officers for the efficiency with which he operated his office, prompted him to cast his lot in that direction. Last year he turned over to the county treas urer more funds in fines and for feitures, which it is said, is the best record of any magistrate in the history of the county. Since Mr. Dedman will remain in Tryon to carry cn his magistrate duties, writing and other special activities, he has assured the man agement of both papers that he will be on hand to give any help in emergencies if needed. Seth M. Vining, publisher of the papers, expressed his appreciation of Mr. Dedman’s service over the years and of his spirit of cooper ation in the future, because it will be needed. County Agent Paul Culberson and Assistant Agent Earle Carter and Home Agent Mrs. Holland Brady Jr., have returned from Statesville where they attended the Southwestern District Agents Con ference two days this week. Sev eral specialists from State Col lege were present to discuss prob lems expected in agriculture this year. LANDRUM W. S. C. S. The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ted Bridge man on Bomar Avenue. The gram topic being, “What Bij^B We to Our Saviour?” Mrs. W.^k Parris, Mrs. W. K. Durham, Mrs. Joe Hendrickson and Miss Myrtle Foster presented parts of the pro gram . The Tryon Bank & Trust Co., will be closed all day Saturday commemorating the birthdays of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jack son. This is an annual holiday for banks in the South. Vice Presi dent John G. Landrum stated Mrs. Burgess Joins Staff At Ponce De Leon Beauty Shop We are happy to announce that Mrs. Frank Burgess, the former Miss Jeannette Robbins, has joined the stpff of operators at Ponce^e Leon Beauty Shop on the grd^n floor of the Costa Building, will be remembered by many old friends and customers. She wants them all to come in and meet her. Call 69 for appointment.—Adver tisement 18, 21. GRAND OLE OPRY MEN AT LANDRUM THEATRE WSM's Grand Ole Opry will pre sent in person the laugh sensation Lonzo and Oscar, Monday, Jan. 21, at the Civic Theatre in Landrum for two shows at 7 and 9 p. m. Also news and “Main Street Band its”, starring Penny Edwards and Robert Clark. Admission 74c for adults and 30c for children, tax included.—Adv.