GENERAL® ELECTRIC Appliances Andrews Furniture Go. Dryers Ironers Ranges Refrigerators Washers Tryon. N. C. COMMUNICATIONS Continued from Page One.. on, TV reception from either Ashe ville or Greenville would be ad versely affected and very probably totally blacked out in some sectors. There is no such barrier between Tryon, Columbus and Spartanburg consequently TV reception from that city would be direct and un hindered. The two outlets assigned to Co lumbia will not materially benefit this, community since Tryon is outside of the effective reception range. I believe that Spartanburg would welcome our support of their effort to obtain a VHF TV outlet and, aside from the fact that Spartan burg is our nearest large shopping center, the additional benefits to this community which would derive from' a VHF TV outlet in Spartan burg affording as it would better TV reception, diversified programs and a nearby outlet for local ad vertising, church and educational programs, more than warrant our support of our neighbor to the South. G. R. Bostain. BUILDING SITES Tel. Office 101 Res. 434-J 25 Years Service in All Real Estate and Rentals HOMES — FARMS G. H. BRIDGEMAN & SON Roland, the French Hair Stylist, will be at the Ponce de Leon Beauty Salon Monday, all day. Phone 69 for appoint ment.—Adv. fri. tf. FOR — Essoheat Fuel Oil Branded Coal Stove "Wood CALL 154 TRYON FUEL SUPPLY LAND ^ SURVEYING SERVICE H. B. Frankenfield, Jr. Registered Surveyor Tels: Off. 150; Res. 5R §&, Tryon, N. C. I NOTICE To All Property Owners Both real and personal proper!^ The tax books are open during the month of January. Please make your listing during this period as this is important to the taxpayer and the tax officials . J. L. RHODES. { Tax Supervisor, j RECTOR’ (For 23 Years One of the South’s Better Cleaners) TELEPtfftNE No. 203