Your Neighborhood DRUGGIST for Over Half A Century. MISSILDINE’S PH ARMACY “The Rexall Store/’ Phone No. 1 POLK COUNTY HAS 93,000 ACRE FOREST ...._Continued from Pape One_ owners in this section have made it possible for the Forest Service to make these road improvements without the burden of cost being on the State and County. Tryon Peak tower is manned dur ing the fall and spring fire sea sons. This usually runs about 5 to 6 months during the year and the towerman lives in the cabin provided at the tower site. Nearly all of his daylight time is spent in the tower watching for smokes that might occur. In this detection work the tower is connected by telephone to the local telephone exchange and by two-way radio to the county ranger’s truck and other lookout towers that see parts of Polk County not clear to this location. A gasoline generator pro vides power for the operation of the two-wav radio and for lights in the cabin and tower. During the past 5 years the for est fire record in Polk County has been excellent. This record has been improving in direct pro portion to the addition of improve ments and with increase appro priations of financial appropria tions by the county officials. The combined money available for ex penditure in the county has never been adequate for complete forest lire protection. However, the work has progressed and the record in Polk County is comparable to that of adjoining counties. Every dol lar spent for this work must count. County Ranger Feagan and his organization appreciates the co operation of every citizen in the county in preventing fires and prac ticing good judgment in using fire while burning trash or other mater" ial. 98 per cent of the fires JP North Carolina are man cau^B?. The people in Polk County reducing this shameful waste in their forests and everybody will profit. FOR SALE: 4 rooms and bath; % acre lot on Gillette Estate. Reasonably priced. Phone 473-W.— Advertisement 23, 24, 25c. HAROLD C. GRIFFITH ' COLUMBUS, N. C. Office 2442 Res. 2242 FARM BUREAU ■•teal Fin Imwn Cb Lift Intmn C*. SiSHXBEE LAKE LANIER Drive-In THEATRE! (The Latest News Release Monday and Tuesday) Thurs., Fri., Jan. 24, 25—James Stewart, Marlene Dietrich in “DESTINY RIDES AGAIN” Saturday, Jan. 26—Double Feature—Roy Rogers in SPOILERS OF THE PLAINS” and Marie Wilson in “SHE'S IN THE ARMY” Sunday, January 27—Maria Montez, Jon Hall in “GYPSY WILD CAT” Mon., Tues., Jan. 28, 29—Susan Hayward, Dan Dailey in “I Can Get It foi- You Wholesale”