MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY HOME FRIENDLY LETTER Sapporea, Japan. Dear Friends, I have just received your Janu ary newsletter and as always was happy to receive the news from home. I have left Korea and am now on Happida Island, at Camp Craw ford. We have been here since Dec. 23rd and find the change restful, although I must say it has become rather boring after the first week when everything was new. It seems strange to go around doing the same thing every day, just routine after the excitement^nd action of Korea. However, it is pleasant to be able to get up in the morning and be almost sure that you will be well when night comes around again. Or to go to bed and not have anything to worry about except the things that people at home are worrying about. I must tell you that this month’s newsletter brought me the address es of one of my classmates and friends of our school days. It was somewhat of a surprise to know that he is in the army and I am going to write him tonight. So, I must thank you again for the ser vice you are performing for the fellows of Polk. Sgt. William Fox. EPH GOODLOE: “Truman ask ing for more taxes in fifty-two, so says the news. Kinda recalls to mind the ole saying about a fool and his money soon parting. Us folks that keep sending the same ole crowd back to Washington, sure are anxious to do everything we can to fulfill that promise.”—W. M. Bissell. FOR SALE: 4-H Jersey bul! calf, 5 months old Feb. 9th. Can be registered. Robert Johnson, Box 185, Saluda, N. C. Phone 2336. —Advertisement 28, 29, 30c. ; F 0 R — ; Essoheat Fuel Oil \ Branded Coal > Stove Wood [ CALL 154 \ TRYON FUEL SUPPLYd Try GRANDPA’S MUSTARD MEAT SAUCE for meat, fish and flavoring. Made by Mrs. A. C. Hockings of Myrtle Beach Products Co. On sale in Tryon Stores.—Ad vertisement tf. Edward’s Shoppe Feminine Fashions FOOTWEAR AND APPAREL Tryon, North Carolina (Next to Cowan’s) Refreshment headquarter* Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C. B. Frank Carruth, Landrum, S. C., Tel. 105 General Electric Refrigerators . . . Ranges . . . Home Freezers . . Washing Machines . . . Water Heaters, Etc. (Liberal Trade-In Allowances)