(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily ME Saturday and Junday Except ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928 AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OP CONGRESS THE TRYOV m The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Vol. 26—No. 2 TRYON, N. C., BRUARY 1. 1962 weather Thursday: High 55, low 16, Rel. Hum. 31, rainfall for January 5.94 inches. This is an age of conferences in cities, states, nations. Most of the news in the big papers is about conferences. Maybe it will eventually save lives and property. HERE FROM BRAZIL: Rev. William E. An drews, formerly of Tryon, now an Amer can missionary to Brazil, . who is visiting his mother, Mrs. R. F. Andrews in Landrum, will sneak at the Lai\£rum Methodist Church Sunday morning at 11:15. .... The Tryon Hounds will meet Saturday morning at 9 at Rackin’ Ridge . . . . The new Ford is on J&gplay at Tryon Motor Co., to-. WWf • • • • Bridge winners Thurs N-S, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. White, first R. R. Williams, Mrs. Steiner, second; J. P. Earle, Mrs. Baxter Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. P. - D. Karsten, tied for third; Mrs. Barrington King and Mrs. Frances Ravenel, fourth. East-West, Mrs. W. M. Bomar and C. E. Harris, ' first; J. Feder. Miss Rebecca Gaf fney, second; H. M. Guilbert, John F. Norton, third; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackson, fourth . . Polk Superior Court will be resumed * Monday morning at 9 at Columbus. . . The Tryon Baptist Brotherhood will mee^ tonight at 7. Special pro V gram, Eugene Jones in charge. Dimes On Sidewalk Here Saturday Morning Dimes, Dimes, Dimes, hundreds of them, are expected to be placed m rows on Trade Street Satur day morning between Missildine’s and the Ti^on Bank & Trust Co., according to Craig B. Thomas, chairman of the Polk County In fantile Paralysis Committee. Ki wanians, American Legions, Lions, Rotarians, Boy Scouts will be on the job to assist with the work. Everybody is invited to put their dimes on the march from Missil dine's to the bank and see how far they will go. It will take about 18 dimes to go a foot. But these dimes may help some youngster to walk or run and play like other children. “So when you see the dimes stretched out on the side walk you are invited to put some with them,” says Chairman Thom as. At the Churches Christian Science Society ; 11 a. m., tat edifice, First Street. Sub ject “Love”. Meetings the first Wednesday of each month at 8. Sunday school at the same hour as the church service. Reading room, church edifice, hours, Tuesday and Friday, 10-12 a. m. Tryon Methodist: Rev. Paul Davis, Pastor. Church school 10 a. m., Dr. C. W. McCall, Supt. 11 sermon: “Which Choice?" 7:30 Youth Fellowship. Friday nt 6:30 p. m., Family Fellowship Supper at the church. Tryon Church of Christ: Chester A. Hunnicutt, Evangelist.- Sunday 11 a. m., subject, “Fbrsake Not the- Assembly.” 7 p. m., subject, “A House Built on a Rock.’’ ...... Continued On Back Pag* .. .