Published Daily Except fEst. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DULY BULLETIN The World'8 Smallest daily Newspaper. Vol. 25—No. 7 Seth M. Vining, Editor TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th. 1952 Curb Reporter Weather Thursday.: high 55, low 34, Rel. Hum. 39. . . Former Governor Ellis Arnall of Ga. fd OPS chief by Truman. 11 resigned a Washington job before because he said they didn’t give him anything to do and he could’t take government money on ■ that basis. Even dollar a year men are sometimes e :pen sive. . . Judge Harold K. Bennett of Asheville resigns to pratice law. Judge William H. Bobbitt being urged to run for Associate Justice Supreme Court. . . Papers still full of news about the new Queen Elizabeth of England. The neople will be told about it accord ing to ancient custom. Although America is no part of England the news is taking precedence over everything else. Just shows how sentimental people are even Liiuu*>'i Luey proiess 10 care noth in or for royalty and such stuff. . Beanie Mize flew to Chattanooga £a£%isit her grandmother Fain. that’s news. . . This is Boy ScOTt Week and Scouts all over the Country wfill attend some church in a body. The Baptist Troop will . attend the Bf^tist Church in Tryon; Troop h, . 1 | will go to the Methodist-Church. There is also a Colored Troop here. The Columbus Boy Scouts and Cubs will attend the Columbus Baptist Church and the Saluda Scouts will also attend Church. . Col. J. O. Safford has written an article on the Home Friendly club for the Spartanburg papers and State Editor Jim Oliphant was up Thursday to take pictures to illustrate the article. . . Mr. and -Continued on Back Page_ j At the Churches Episcopal: The Church of the Holy Cross. Rev. Charles L. Mc Gavern, Rector. 8 a. m., Holy Com munion; 9:30 a. m., church scool, (nursery class, 11 a. m). 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon. Wed nesday, 10:30 a. m., Holy Com munion. Congregational: Rev. Orville H. White, Minister. Church school meets at 9:45, Nelson Jackson, Supt. Morning worship 11. Sub ject, “The Primacy of Personal Experience*’. Christian Endeavor meets in the Church Parlor at 7 p. m. Christian Science Society: 11 a. m., at edifice, First Street. Sub ject “Spirit”. Meetings the 1st Wednesdays of each month at 8 p. m. Sunday School at the same hour as the church service. Reading Room, Church Edifice, 10-12, A. M.. Tupsdnv and Tryon Presbyterian Church: Rev. J. C. Wagnor, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m., J. Frank Galli more, Supt. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sermon Subject, “Mistakes of the Disciples”. Youth Fellow ship 7 p. m. Deacon’s meeting Monday 7:45, Choir Practice Tues day 8 p. m. Young adults meeting Friday 7 p. m. Second Baptist: Sunday School 10 a. m., Theodore Burrell, Supt. Preaching Services 11 by Rev. Chapman. Training Union 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. Tryon Methodist: Rev. Paul F. Davis, Pastor. Church School 10 a. m., Dr. C. W. McCall, Supt. Sermon 11 a. m. Subject,“Cross Bearing”, Scout Day. Youth Fel liftrship 7:30 p. m., Gertrude Al .Continued On Back Page