(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE n\M DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor JVol. 25—No. 8 TRYON, N. C.t MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1952 Weather Friday: High 65, low 28, Rel. Hum. 32; Saturday high 66, low 38, Rel. Hum. 29; Sunday high 70, low 31, Rel. Hum. 28 . . . Tuesday, Feb. 12, is Lincoln’s Birthday. Meetings that day will include Kiwanis, Lions Club, Bird Club, American Legion, a number of church societies, The Commu nity Sunday School Teachers Training Course, and the Brown ies. And the Thrift-y Garden Club in Landrum. The Tryon Bird Club will be told about 100 miles of warblers from the book, North * Spring by Peale . . . Valen Day, Feb. 14, brings Jane >n to Trvon to speak at the Hospital Auxiliary meeting at the Congregational Ghurch House. And Sunnydale is planning a Valentine Party that night with dancing, and other gay features to celebrate the occasion .... Miss Jane Lyons ot i ryon, graduate student at the University of North Carolina, named on the Dean’s list for the past quarter according to The Charlotte Observer . . . Miss Beth Cooksey’s car got out of control Sunday morning in front of the I Congregational Church and ran off the bank into Melrose Circle. She was injured slierht.lv but the car was damaged considerably . . .The 1 Cwtimed On Hack Pnq» . Injured In Auto Crash Near Mill Spring Four persons were injured in an automobile collision late Fri day night near Mill Spring, accord ing to reports of Highway Patrol men W. R. Boyles and J. E. Ram sey. All four were hospitalized. They were listed as James New man, zu, and Mrs. Pauline Ar ledge Tucker, 29, identified by in vestigating officers as drivers of the two cars, and Mrs. Helen Sain and Max Phillips, 23. Officers said one car had stopped to pick up some textile workers when it was struck by another. WALTER BAILEY Walter Bailey, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dock Bailey of Mill Spring, died Sunday at 12:35 a. m., at St. Luke’s Hospital. Surviving, besides his parents, are Elizabeth Louise, Bessie Mae, Grace Edna and Hazel'Fay; and a brother, Weldon Bailey. Funeral services Monday at 2 p. m., at Mill Spring Baptist Church by the Rev. H. J. Allman. Burial in the church cemetery. McFarland Funeral Home of Tryon in charge. OPS MAN HERE Leo Milhaupt announces that Wm. Z. Penland, Charlotte, will be in charge of the OPS food sec tion team here Wednesday, Feb. 13. BIRD CLUB MEETS The Tryon Bird Club will meet Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 3 p. m., with Misa Sybil Morse. Bird lovers are welcome.