(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and JSunday 6c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB at tryon, n. c. UNDER THE ACT of CONGRESS, march 3, 1879 THE nm DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 17 TRYON, N. C., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 99 1959 Weather Thursday: High 64, low 34, Rel. Hum. 24 . . . Today stands for the truth, cherry tree, first in war, peace and hearts of countrymen, and sacrifices neces sary for liberty. The bank and post office are closed; flags are flying from poles on Trade street. . . . . Rotary meets today at 1 p. m., with W. D. Prather in charge* of the program. He will show a General Motors film . . . Dr. C. W. McCall will be in charge of the Kiwanis program next Tues day . . . Maury Pearson, noted singer, has just been named new .president of the Spartanburg Ro IgfH Club, effective July 1 . . The IMscopal Church here has about $7o,000 available for a new church and parking area?. The goal is $100,000. George S. Brannon, Parish secretary, is receiving con tributions from those wishing to have a share in the project .... Wm. H. Belk, 89, Charlotte, noted nhilanthropist, and founder of the 30o chain of Belk stores, died Thursday .... Dr. James G. K. McClure, chairman, and Frank Parker, co-chairman of the Wes tern North Carolina Crusade for Freedom campaign, have been awarded a citation of merit by the New York headquarters for their efficiency in helping to raise the $2 million necessary to keep radio _ Continued. On Back Pape _ At the Churches Christian Science Society: 11 a. m., at edifice, 1st Street. Sub ject, “Mind”. Meetings the 1st Wednesday of each month at 8 p. m. Sunday. School at the same hour as church service. Reading room, church edifice, 10-12 a. m., Tuesday and Friday. Congregational: Rev. Orville H. White, Minister. Church school meets at 9:45, Nelson Jackson, Supt. Morning worship with ser mon by the Rev. William T. Scott, D. D., superintendent of the South ern Convention of Congregational Christian Churches. (Nursery class at 11 a. m.) Christian En deavor will meet at 7 p. m. Tryon Presbyterian Church: Rev. J. C. Wagnor, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m., J. Frank Galli more, Supt. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Sermon: “Peter At Pente cost.” Youth Fellowship at 7 p. m. Elders and Deacons meeting Mon day evening 7:45. Choir practice Tuesday 8 p. m. Tryon Methodist: Rev. Paul F. Davis, Pastor. Church School 10 a. m., Dr. C. W. McCall, Supt. Sermon 11 a. m. Subject, “Value Given. Youth Fellowship at 7:30. Given.” Youth Fellowship 7:30, with installation of officers. Second Baptist: Sunday School 10:00 a. m., Theodore Burrell, Supt. Preaching services 11 a. m. by Rev. F. M. Orr. Training Union 6:30 P- m. Prayer Meet ing Wednesday at 7 p. m. Episcopal: The Church of the Holy Cross. Rev. Charles L. Mc Gavernr, Rector. 8 a. m., Holy Com munion; 9:30 a. m., church school, (nursery class, 11 a. m). 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon. Mon day, 8 a. m., Holy Communion, St. —__Continued on Back Page_