Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper. Vol Seth M. Vining, Editor 25—26 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH fi. iflsa Curb Reporter Weather: high 61, low 34, Rel. Hum. 32 . . According to W. M. Bissell EPH GOODLOE says, “I *n c^ar&e the stork de l\^pnent, but it seems to be in all the papers that Queen Eliza beth is expecting another heir. Come to think of it, come elec tion time, we’re expecting some body to get a little “air” over here!”. . G. A. Davis has accepted ELECTROLUX dealership and not the electrical service as re ported in an ad . . These are busy times for many people. Movies at three theatres, Services at the Landrum First Baptist Church every night for two weeks; Dupli cate bridge tournament tonight at uaK nan; county rsasKetoau tournament at Columbus; the Two Mrs. Carrolls, the Tryon Little Theatre play at the Tryon School tonight at 8:30 and Friday night, too. See it one of the nights and f mgU appreciate the fine work PeoP^e the Theatre are domg . . Union Lenten service Friday at 5 p. m. at Congrega tional Church. Fridav night is the night for Republican precinct meetings in Tryon, Mill Spring, Columbus, and Green Creek at 7:30 at all places, making plans for the Countv Convention on Saturday at 2:30 p. m. at Court "House in Columbus. “The Man in the Green Shirt”, a cornedv in 3 acts will be at the Edmund Em bury School tonight at 8:30. And the REP CROSS campaign is un derway with many workers all over the county on errands of mercy. Just a few things to claim our interest this week. John B. Willard John Boyd Willard, 74, of Lan drum, RFD 1, died suddenly Tues day afternoon at the home of his son, George L. Willard in Lan drum. He was born in South .Carolina, but had been making his home with his daughter, Mrs Bessie Mae McKinney, in the Sandy Plains section of Polk County. He was the son of the late Bud and Sallie Hart Willard and was a member of the Sandy Plains A. R. P. Church. Willard was twice married, his first -wife being Miss Maude Gall man, and from this union one son survives, George L. Willard of Landrum. He is survived by his second wife the former M^iss Julia Allen and from this union three daughtrs, Mrs. Bessie Mae McKinney of Uandrum RFD, 1, Mrs. Lois Greenway, Landrum, Rt. 1, and Miss Betty Willard of Tryon Rt. 1; one son, J. P. Willard, Hamp ton, Va.; one step daughter, Miss Nora Pruitt and one step son, Victor Pruitt, both of Tryon Route One. Also two sistefs, Mrs. Lona Gault of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. Vinnie White of Union, S. C. and ten grandchildren. Funeral services Thursday at 3 p. m. in Sandy Plains Presby terian church with the Rev. James Bell officiating. Burial in the church cemetery. Active pallbearers: Joe Stock ton, Troy Morris, Harold Dur ham, Mack Watson, Troy Durham, and Charles Stockton. McFarland Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.