(Est. 1-31-28) Published, Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ---’_- M-fw, uimmu,y_oc .rer v^opy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 —— > ur lyUIMjKJLSS, MAKUd <5, LOiV PE nm DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vinina Editor Vo. 25—No7 35 TRYON, 1ST. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH io 1QKo Weather Tuesday: High 64, low 39, rain before 5 p. m., .06, Rel. Hum. 70 ... . Taft supporters have majority of delegates in the State Republican convention which met in Charlotte Tuesday, but Herbert F. Seawell Jr., an Eisen hower backer was nominated for governor. In the Minnesota pri mary the name of Eisenhower was written in by over 108,000 voters. Stassen, whose name was on the ticket received 114,000 votes in the first returns of about two-thirds of the votes. Taft had nearly 16,000 ijen in votes .... John Paul an executive of the Duke Ter Co., and editor of the Duke Power Magazine, Charlotte, has been nominated for governor of the 280th Rotary District. Mr. 1 ucas is a former college in structor, journalist and is a popu lar speaker at various civic clubs throughout this area. Always look ing to the future and pointing out the opportunities for us as in dividuals and communities he is an inspiration to any audience; and Rotary Clubs of this district are fortunate in having such an able, conscientious leader, who is always ready to give his time and person ality to public welfare. He is a frequent visitor to Tryon and has addressed other civic clubs here —Continued on Back Page.. , The Thrift-Y Garden Club The Thrift-Y Garden Club of Landrum met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. M. Lam bright. Mrs. R. M. Heavner reported on the Council’s urging the mem bers to enter specimens in both Spring Daffodil Shows, Spartan burg and Landrum which will take place Thursday, March 20th. She also announced that judging of the Thrift would be postponed due to inclement weather. Date to be announced later. Mrs. L. V. Math is, a new member was welcomed. Mrs. J. O'. Bishop of Greer was a visitor. Mrs. J. G. Landrum, the presi dent for the ensuing year, an nounced the following committees: Finance, Mrs. P. C. Lancaster, Mrs. J. M. Hightower and Mrs. F. R. Crain; program, Mrs. G. M. Littlefield Jr., Mrs. Paul Reneau and Mrs. Roy Heavner; personal service, Mrs. Clyde Culbreth and Mrs. C. E. A. Keene; civic, Mrs. C. P. Benson, Mrs. James Neil and Mrs. E. L. Broome; publicity, Miss Myrtle Foster; librarian, Mrs. M. B. Bishop; flower* show. Mrs. M. B. Bishop, Miss Myrtle Foster, Mrs. Wade Staggs, Mrs. Roy Heav ner. Mrs. A. IVT. Jones and Mrs. C. M. Littlefield Jr.; Membership, Mrs. C. J. Stover, Mrs. W. M. Lambright and Mrs. F, L. Broome; gifts, Mrs. Reece Burress, Mrs. Joe Hightower and Mrs. Fred Crain: yearbook, Mrs. C. P. Ben son, Mrs. Wade Staggs, Mrs. P. C. Lancaster. Miss Myrtle Foster assisted by Mrs. Lambright presented slides in color of the outstanding gardens in Europe, also showing mountain Continued on Book Page_