Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)__Saturda/y and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN ' The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Vol. 25—No. 43 Seth M. Vining, Editor TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1952 Weather Thursday: high 70, low 36, Rel. Hum. 27; Friday high 66, low 42, Rel. Hum. 50; Saturday high 69, low 33, Rel. Hum. 33; Sunday high 74, low j 35, Rel. Hum. 34. . . Mr. Truman I announced Friday that he would i not run again but would help the Democratic nominee win. The mar riage of Li’l Abner Yokum and Daisy Mae Scraggs, also created a national sensation after 18 years of courtship. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Reimann, Ann Arbor, Mich, are guests at Pine Crest Inn. Mr. Reimann is author of fetween the Iron and the Pine”, e Michigan Book of the Year, a factual story of pioneer days. It has now been sold in 30 states I and elsewhere. An order came to | him today from Australia. His j book will be at the Blue Ridge | Weavers in Tryon and an auto- | graph party will be held there ' Fridav afternoon from 3 to 5. I Mr. Reimann is a civic leader in j Ann Arbor and a former Kiwanis I Governor of the Michigan District. Albert Burns of Tryon found a small baby buried in a shallow ! grave near the Newmarket road Sunday morning. At a Coroner’s inquest Dr. M. C. Palmer stated that he believed the baby died of natural causes. The jury decided -Continued On Back Page_ CONCERT TONIGHT At the Community Singers Concert Monday, March 31 at the Congregational Church House, Gounod’s “Praise Ye The Father”, Religious Spirituals arranged by J. F. Works, and Happy Spiritu als, one composed by James Wel don and J. Roseman Weldon will be presented. Soloists will be Mrs. Olivia. Green, Mrs. Lily Talley, Mrs. Lola Jackson, Mrs. Ki*kendall, Mrs. Iona Fox, Mrs. McClure, J. P. Johnson and Benny Shepherd and Ben Spear. There will be a reading by Mrs. Lucy E. Campbell and an instru mental solo by Miss Wessie Jack son. The concert is given for the bene fit of the P. T. A. of the Embury School and is sponsored by the Tryon Council of Church Women. Contributed. FRANKLYN B. PIKE Franklyn B. Pike, brother of Mrs. Sam Vance of Tryon, died Saturday in a Jacksonville, Fla. hospital. Mr. Pike was 45 years of age; unmarried, and a merchant sea man. Funeral services Tuesday at 11 a. m. at Central, S. C. KIWANIS ROUNDTABLE R. H. Brady will be in charge of the Tryon Kiwanis club program Tuesday at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall Hotel and will conduct a round table discussion of community affairs. Bill Baker, student at Universi ty of North Carolina, Chapel Hill was home for the weekend.