(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TM DAILY B11LLETI15 Thv _..at_ ~ _ The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vinina Edit.nr Vol. 25 No. 49 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY. APRTT, 8TH ioso Weather Monday: High 65, low 35, Rel. Hum. 33 . . . The govern ment is getting jeady to seize the steel mills when the strike takes place at midnight. Early shutdown puts 96,000 out of work before strike begins. Since each worker pays at least $1 per day in income taxes that means the government loses $100,000 a day each day the workers are idle. Floods in South Dakota and Canada doing heavy damage .... Wednesday will be a lively day m Tryon. Mrs. Ashby Wickham who specializes in Irish Hand Woven Woolens will have a display at OakTlall.from 10 a. m., to 5 p. m. Mrs. Wickham is a native of Ireland and in addition ^^^weeds, throws, stoles, scarves, i SjHs, jackets, will also show Scot tish. Clan Tartans .... A pretty ' sight to which visitors are invited is the azalea field in bloom at Frye Farm in, Polk County near T andrum. Mr. Frye is having the field dug up for other uses and is advertising the azalea plants at a bargain, 7 and 8 year old plans for $4 and 85 and some younger plants for $2 ... . At this time of year the special service the Blue Rid?e Weavers gives to visi tors in making available the use of out. of town telenhone books is a big help as well as acting as agent in the purchase of tick -Continued on Rack Pane HISTORICAL MARKER BRINGING NOTED HERE At 1:15 p. m., on Saturday, April 19th, and just prior to the Block House Steeplechase, there will be a ceremony in connection' with the unveiling of an Histori cal Marker, under the auspices of the North Carolina Department of Archives and History, commemor ating the site of the old Block House, a trading post and fort""’ on the North Carolina-South Caro lina line, and the point at which the line survey of 1772 ended. Dr. C. C. Crittenden, director of the Department of Archives and His tory, will preside at the unveiling of this marker, which will be located at the Sta+e line, on U. S. Highway No. 176, just at the entrance to the Hunting Countrv. The governors of the two states, and members of the Historical Com mission of North and South Caro lina, have been invited to be present. The old Block House, which stood on what is now the Plamondon estate, was in pre-Revolutionary and Revolutionary times, a point of much interest to the early set tlers of upper South Carolina, and Western North Carolina. According to tradition, it was from this point that Major Thomas Howard, guid ed bv the Indian Chief Skyuka, led his men against the Cherokees in what is known as the battle of Round Mountain, and defeated them in what was one of the last important Indian battles in this section. The public is cordially invited to attend the ceremony in connec- \ tion with the unveiling of this historical marker.