(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No.58 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, APRIL 21ST, 1952 Weather Thursday: high 85, low 42, Rel. Hum. 46; Friday high 81, low 46, Rel. Hum. 35; Saturday high 85; low 44, Rel. Hum. 32; Sunday high 88, low 44, Rel. Hum. 30 . . Steeplechase results will be published Tues day. Asheville and Spartanburg papers had them Sunday and al so pictures of the colorful event. Too much copy today. Page ad for Cowan’s Super Market had to be left out and it was loaded with 31 different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables . . Kiwanis pro -am Tuesday in charge of P. Barnette . . Wofford College We Club program TUESDAY at Tryon school at 8 p. m. . Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Salsich (Margaret Culkin Banning) are at their Try on home after a trip to South America . . Mrs. Nora Langhorne Flynn will arrive in Tryon on Wednesday for a visit with Dr. and Mrs. John Z. Preston and Mrs. Wayne V. O’Niel . . Good pic tures of the Block House His toric Marker dedication also ap peared in Sunday’s Asheville and Spartanburg papers . . The Con gregational Church women’s soci etv wants a lot of old clothes for a Rummage Sale at old town hall this coming Saturdav . TONIGHT is the night of the Bridge-Canasta (See bottom of next column) GEORGE B. LISLE Funeral services for George Bert Lisle, 58, of Landrum, who died Friday evening at the Veterans Hospital at Oteen, N. C. were held Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at the Landrum Methodist Church. The Revs. A. M. Jones and R. A. Brooks officiated. Pallbearers were Johnny Hig gins, Frank Carruth, Wesley Bridg man, Fred Fagan, Mike Byrd and J. E. Ballew. The following patients were ad mitted to St. Lukes Hospital: Mrs. Henry Burns, Mrs. Clarence McGraw, Mrs. San Effler, all of Tryon, and Ronald Pace of Salu da. Patients discharged include Fred Byrant, Landrum; Mrs. Sam Moore and baby son, Milt Spring; Miss Annie Belle Lowrance, Cam pobello, S. C.; Mrs. C. C. Hind man and Brenda Newsome of Tryon. Recent arrivals at Mimosa Inn include Mrs. Louise Denneth, Wil mington, Del.; Mrs. E. E. Goodloe, Big Stone Gap, Va.; Mrs. Charles Cary, Wilmington, Del.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gaik, Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. H. W.. Wilder, Bir mingham, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H.. P. Schuyler, De troit, Mich.; Ned Danson, Tucson, Arizona; Mrs. Robert Muhlhauser, Glendale, Ohio; Miss Jessica R. Eagleson, New York; Mrs. Wm. S. Kingsley, New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Birmington, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Chaney, Minneapolis, Minn.; Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunter, Shelby. party at Oak Hall at 8 o’clock for the benefit of the Bird Club fund. 60c includes fun, refresh ments and prizes