WATER!!? [Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining Editor Vol. 25—No. 64 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 29~^L952 Weather Monday: high 77, low 54, rain .08, Rel. Hum. 45. . . Water!? . . . The exclamation for the urgent need in summer; and the question mark for when will we get it. We should not have any question. We should be able to tell our children we are providing plenty of water for your needs, your lawn, and in casg your house catches on fire. If you have for c^ten, there is still plenty of to vote for water bonds if read this before 6 p. m. The voting place closes at 6:30. . . One has to hold every copy of the Bulletin from week to week in order to keep up with the vari ous public events. The movies are drawing big crowds now at Tryon Theatre and Lake Lanier Drive In. Mr. Smith of the Civic Theatre at Landrum says he is showing “Gobs and Gals” Wednesday night. . . . Duplicate Bridge Tournament Thursday night at Oak Hall. . . l ast week G. I. Henderson and R. R. Benham were first; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Crawford of Asheville, second; Mr. and Mrs. Ben White, ..... Continued on Back Page_ RED CROSS CAMPAIGN REPORT Over 1400 Polk County citizens have contributed approximately $6,000 to the Red Cross Campaign. Although our quota was original ly set at $5,200'. ulus an addition al $250 , Disaster Relief requested at the time of the March tornadoes, Polk County’s expanded activi ties have made it seem to set $5950 as the amount needed to cover our commitments to the National Red Cross and adequate ly carry out our local program. Of this $5950, $250 is being sent to meet the Disaster Relief request, and $1943.70 (or 34.1 per cent of the remainder) as Polk County’s share of the National Red Cross budget. The balance retained locally thus amounts to $3756.30, or approximately $300 more than our original budget, which did not provide for an expanded program. Since our March campaign end ed, renewed disaster has struck. The story of what the Red Cross is doing to relieve the horrors of the unprecedented floods in the Missouri and Mississippi valleys will be found (but only brieflv indicated) elsewhere in this Bul letin. Once more the Red Cross is obliged to ask for additional funds to finance its relief work. Since a successful campaign has met our previous commitments and our local needs, all funds receiv ed from now until June 30th will be added to the small remaining i __ Continued on Back Page... .