Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TliVIH DIM BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 68 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, MAY 5TH~ 1952 CURB REPORTER Weather Friday: high 87, low 50, Rel. Hum. 37; Saturday high 87, low 56, Rel. Hum. 46; Sunday high 87, low 48,' Rel. Hum. 34. . . May is the busiest month for bird "se, nesting is in full swing, eggs being incubated and soon the arent birds will be feeding the voung. A glorious period. Already the air is filled with bird songs. On Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock the Tryon Bird Club will go on a bird walk at the George Holmes r>iace on Godshaw Hill. Anvone interested is invited. The wildlife in Trvon is nothing to be ashamed of. The State Wildflower Assn, just completed its second meeting here Saturday and Sunday and had picnic lunch and visit at Pear son’s Falls and went on exploring expeditions all over this section. Manv are coming back later for individual trips, says Secretary Cooksey of the Chamber of Com merce. . . Tryon lions Club will meet Tuesday night at Oak Hall. . Supreme Court ruled that U. S. n’t raise steel wages without sent of industry. Job open to carry the .U. S. mail between the post office and the depot, taking mail to the de- j not and taking it off the trains and to the post office every time a train runs. The hours run from about 9 a. m. to about 7 at night and later if the train is late. The nay under the nresent contract 's $60 per f month. You furnish your own car. gas, etc. If inter ested in hidding on the job pros nectors may get aDplication forms f^-om Postmaster G. I. Henderson. Those who see George Carson’s oar loaded with mail and held on bv ropes to keep it from falling off can understand why. He bid too low to get the job four years ago. HOSPITAL NEWS Now Patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Mrs. Jeannette Rob erts, Mrs. Richard Cunningham of Tryon; Mrs. John Eversman, Flat Rock; Stewart Holbert, Mrs. Thomas Ford, Landrum. Patients discharged include Mrs. Herbert Case and twin sons, Clint Rav and George Lee Case of Saluda who were born on Wednes day, April 30th. Others discharged were Mrs. Joe Thomas, Miss Vir tell Williams, Ronald Bishop, Mrs. Hub Thompson, Mrs. J. J. Pittman, Mrs. Vernice Mills, John Butler. HAROLD PIERCE Funeral services for Harold Pierce, 29, of Mill Spring, will be conducted Monday at 3 p. m. at Grove Baptist Church in upper Greenville County. The Revs. Cur tis McCarley, Broadus Belue and Robert Brooks will officiate and burial will be in the church ceme tery. Mr. Pierce was killed Saturday afternoon when the car in which he and another man were riding side-swipped a wrecker and a truck near Inman. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Salsich have as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Diehl of Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Robert Larson of El Paso, Texas is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sassoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome DuCharme and sons Skipper and Christopher of Detroit, and Harold DuCharme of Tampa, Fla. are guests of Mrs. C. B. DuCharme. Mr. and Mrs. George Dusenbury are in Hot Springs, Va., today, where Mr. Dusenbury will address a convention of the American Business Papers.