Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday_ [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 m mill DULY 8ULLET1 The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining. Editor Vol. 25—No. 69 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, MAY GTH^ 1952 Weather Monday: High 92, low 58, Rel. Hum. 44 . . . This week end, Friday and Saturday is the big sectional Duplicate Bridge Tournament to be held at Oak Hall. Some of the best players in the nation will be here to com pete for points and prizes. Reser vations are already being receiv ed at Tryon hotels and a large crowd is expected. Tryon bridge players and any visitors are free to take part in the tournament. There is a small admission charge. In addition to the hotels, private homes will have relatives and from distant cities . . . 'i&iJ small apartment for rent at Tryon Lodge is “furnished" . . . This unusual weather in Tryon has brought on a disease known as “fishing pox", according to Dr. John Z. Preston, who reports that some people have taken the news so seriously that they have thrown away some perfectly good fish. There is no medical cure for the disease. The victim doesnt want to work and frequently looks at fishing catalogues . and has a far away look in his eyes. When this “disease" strikes a patient, the best thinfor him to do is go fishing. There is nothing wrong with the fish. They are good to eat .... For Our Men In Service In January, 1951, we wrote a letter to The Bulletin explaining the work of the Home Friendly Club, which had been revived about five months previously, owing to the -"equests of former service men and families of new recruits. In this letter we asked for the interest and the financial aid of the people of Polk County. Both of these requests have been filled, with most gratifying gene rosity. It is a great satisfaction constantly to hear “we never fail to read the boys’ letters in The I Bulletin.” Financially we have been able to carry on without wor ry, sending to the boys not only the monthly newsletter but other items that we know will mean much to them. Now that we are in need of more funds we have the hope that they will again come to us from you who are interested in the boys and their letters. For the constant refrain in their letters is that their “ouddies” also always read the newsletters, and say: “We wish we had a home county like yours, that would remember I us with letters the way yours i does.” j Mary F. Ta/ylor, Chairman, : Home Friendly Club. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital include Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. Walter Slike, Tryon. Mrs. John Everson of Flat Rock and Mrs. Baseomb Owens of Saluda were discharged. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ford of Landrum are the parents of a son born May 5th at Jl:30 a. m.