[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday amd Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOfll DAILY IIILLETH The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Vol. 25 Seth M. Vining, Editor No. 70 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7TH, 1952 Curb Reporter Weather Tuesday: High 93, low 53, Rel. Hum. 49 . . . Besides Kiwanis, Rotary and a lot of church meetings, the annual meet ing of the Lanier Club will be f ' $ this afternoon at the Congre gational Church; the Garden Club Flower Show Thursday, May 8th, at the Parish House; the Section al Bridge Tournament Friday night and all day Saturday at Oak Hall. And a number of poli tical pow wows and civic groups meeting from time to time. That’s enough to keep a lot of people busy. Then, too, a lot of people have found that May is a delightful time to visit Tryon, and part time residehts are staying longer. Gro cers now say they see no difference in winter and summer business. Anyone who wishes to do some thing for the community or pur sue a hobby with friends, notify The Bulletin. One man advertised in The Bulletin for some one to study Spanish with him. An answer *n ^rom Florida. . . Mrs. Jrjf-aee Dawson reports that the rSncer Fund has gone over the $1,300 goal for the county .... Tryon Baptist Women’s Circle met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Ned Swann with Mrs. Mack Averill in charge of the pro gram. T ANIER CLUB MEETS IN TRYON TODAY The annual business meeting: of the Lanier Club will be held this afternocm at 3:30 at the Congre gational Church House. A sum mary of this year’s work and plans for the future will be discussed. Election of officers and committee reports will also be on the agenda. MELLEN C. MARTIN Mellen Chamberlain Martin, 65, passed away Tuesday afternoon about 5 o’clock in a Chicago hos pital where he had been a patient following a heart attack. An at torney for the Chicago Tribune he had just returned from the Pub lishers meeting in New York City. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon. His sisters, Mrs. Karl G. Schairer, Mrs. A. R* Ford and Mr. Ford of Tryon a~e leaving by plane this afternoon to attend the services. Mr. Martin had been a visitor to Tryon for more than 25 years and built a home here about 15 years ago in the Hunting Country known as El Cerrito. .Mr. Martin is survived by his wife, the former Miss Clara True blood, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; one son, Edward Trueblood Martin, ^11.a daughter, Marilyn (Mrs! PJ11 mP Mallen). He was born at Three Oaks, Mich., July 26, 1886, and was the son of the Rev! Moses Mellen and Mary (Pierce) Martin. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1912. He was associated with the law firm of Kirkland. Fleming, Green Martin & Ellis since 1912. and an active partner since 1918. He was a member of a number of civic clubs in Chicago,'Winnetka, III., and Tryon, and active in various humanitarian causes. His office address was 33 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. Baseball at Harmon Field today with Berkeley Mills at 4 p. m.y and Thursday at 4 with Ecusta. Joe Stockton is in Florida on a trip as the guest of Liberty Life Insurance Co., for increased pro duction.