THE TRIOS DULY BULLETIS The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 71 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 8TH. 1952 [Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 BRIDGE THIS WEEK By Betty Steiner The Tryon Duplicate Bridge Association will hold its second Annual Tournament this weekend at Oak Hall. This year there will be a mixed pair event on Friday evening at 8 o’clock as well as a two session game on Saturday to decide the open pair champion ship. There will be handsome section trophies for both events as well as the Lovely trophy of fered by OakcjS^llWhich must be won three times DOTbre it becomes the possession of°Hts winner. The requests for~'reservations for Bridge players are coming in thick and fast and there will b^ very fine bridge played at Oak Hall this weekend and we hope all Trvon plavers will be there competing—and non-players Kibit Weather Wednesday: high 91, low 65, Rel. Hum. 40. Save your Tryon Daily Bulletins by the week in order to keep up with important dates. Some people punch holes in the margin, run a string through and tie them together in monthly sections. Some hotels get more than one copy in order for their guests to read the news without having to wait for another guest to get through. The Flower Show today, Bridge Tournament Friday and Saturday, Square Dance Friday, Political meetings, Church meetings and social parties are making this a busy week in I|on, Polk County and Landrum. I. Cowan”s Super Market is ebrating its 19th year in busi ness this weekend and representa tives from various food supplies .T’e here to help Mr. Cowan meet hundreds of customers. . . Today is President Truman’s Birthday and former Sgt. Howard Greene says we should have our flags displaved because it is also V-Day anniversary . . . Greenville County Officers assisted bv Tryon Police arrested Frank Johnson Wednes day mornin? and charged him with shooting Earle Plumley with a shotgun. Plumley is in St. Lukes Hosnital for treatment. ... A healthy sign is the keen interest Continued on Back Page__ zing. Last year our open pair event was won—not by any of the master oairs-but by a charming young Spartanburg' couple, who play a very nice game-but were as su prised as the visiting masters when they made the too score. The game will be conducted by Stanislas Czetwertynski, who is director of the Charlotte br;d«-e league and conducts manv outside tournaments in the Carolinas. All the players are being en tertained after the Saturday even ing game at a buffet supper. FTOWFR SHOW TODAY The Tryon Garden Club Flower Shp^-Tvill be open this afternoon ffom 2 to 8 tonight. Those who have seen the arrangements this morning as final touches were be ing put on the decorations were high in their praise of the beau tiful display of flowers.