[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE nm DAILY BlILLETIU The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Vol. 25—No. 89 Seth M. Vining, Editor TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 3RD, 1952 Weather Monday: high 83, low 55, Rel. Hum. 56. . . Phillip Mur ray, head of the Steel Union calls a nationwide strike after the Su preme Court ruled the President didn’t have authority to seize the u^ustry. . . When Berkeley Mills its • open house recently tirausands of people attended and the business people of Henderson ville had large ads in the papers congratulating the mill and the community. We are sure Columbus and Tryon feel the same way about the , new Hatch Mill at Columbus which will have its open house Wednesday afternoon. All the resi dents of the county are invited to attend and go through one of the finest mills of its kind in the world. It is offering opportunities to home folk who want employment and has already brought back to the county many young people who were forced to leave years ago in order to make money to meet their standards of living. The newcomers who have not been here before have been welcomed various civic activities anrf are meeting their responsi bilities of . leadership in Church, School, Scouts, Chamber of Com merce, Country Club, Rotary, Ki wanis, Lions, wherever they are needed throughout the county. They are making contributions in per sonal service as well as in money. All progressive citizens WELCOME YOU. . .We lost a communication from EPH GOODLOE the other day which stated that his wife was at Tryon, N. C. and becoming en thused over golf. She made an 84 and was going back the next day, if it didn’t rain, to try for the next hole. W. M. Bissell should be moving to his home on Lake Lanier soon. . . Tryon Kiwanians —Continued on Back Page_.* William H. Baker To Make Summer Cruise William H. Baker son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Baker of Tryon will make the summer practice cruise participated in by mid shipmen from the 52 NROTC units throughout the country, and the midshipmen of the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Baker is a member of the NROTC Unit at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He is a rising sophomore in the program. Captain J. S. Keating, Profes sor of Naval Science at the Uni versity has announced that the cruise task force, consisting of battleships, carriers, cruisers and destroyers will visit ports in the Scandinavian countries, Ireland, England, France and Cuba. Baker has been assigned to the USS Sperry (DD 697) and will sail from Norfolk, Va., early in June. The duration of the cruise is about 8 weeks. HOSPITAL NEWS Billv Spivey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Spivey, of Tryon was admitted to St. Lukes Hospital. Patients discharged include: Mrs. B. C. Von Kahlden, Tryon; Mrs. Link Shehan, Mill Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scoggins of Tryon are the parents of a boy born June 2 at 9:25 a. m. I EPH GOODLOE: “Tryon, N. C.: The chiggers arc back with us! May 26 was my date for a return engagement with them. I am one of the few men, other than Dr. Livingston, who has actually seen a chigger jump thirty-eight-feet to make connection with his victim 1 —W. M. Bissell.