TEst. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TIMS II til. V B1ILLETIII The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 93 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, JUNE 9TH, 1952 Weather Friday: high 92, low i G7, rain .14, Rel. Hum. 62; Sat urday: high 94, low 70. Rel. Hum j 44; Sunday: high 96, low 76. Rel. Hum. 55. . . In the Golf tournament last week, Bill Lord and Joe Kerby won for the men and Mrs. R. H. Brady and Mrs. Gaden Corpening for the women. Douglas Williamson Graduates With Higher Honors Amherst, Mass,. June 3— Douglas F. Williamson of Tryon ^^ttdved his Bachelor of Arts De summa cum laude from Am herst College today. The son of Mrs. Douglas Williamson of Try on, he is a graduate of Darlington School. A membe x>f Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Williamson was elect ed to Phi Beta Kappa last year. He has been on the Dean’s List since his freshman year and is a member of the Bond Fifteen. He won the Frank A. Hosmer Schol arship in 1949 and the Addison Brown Scholarship in 1951. He was on the board of the Amherst STUDENT the undergraduate newspaper and was a member of the varsity hockey squad serving as manager for the last three years. HERE FROM ITALY Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Crow ley of Genoa, Italy, have arrived in America for a visit and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Costa in Tryon. Mr. Crowley, is in foreign service, representing the Socony Vacuum Oil Co. He owns property in the Hunting Country, near the Rubini place. He is a subscriber to the Tryon Daily Bulletin and says he has kept up with great interest the activities of the community, especi all.y the ABC store election. He said in Italy and France where whiskey and wine are sold freely he never saw any drunkeness ex cept from American tourists. He says the Europeans know how to live in moderation. Little Theatre Officers Officers for the Tryon Little theatre for the coming season have been elected as follows: Mrs. Carroll P. Rogers, president; Mrs! Graves Taylor and Holland Brady Jr. vice-presidents; Mrs. Etta Cashwell, secretary; Dr. Gordon Graham, treasurer; Mrs. Russell Durham, historian; M, Matt M;~ O’Shields, W. E. Sassoon, G. I. Henderson, directors. Col. W. A. Schilleter Speaks Lt. Col. William A. Schilletter who recently returned from Ger many, will be the chief speaker tonight at the meeting of the Men’s Club of the Congregational Church. LANDRUM MASONS MEET The Landrum Masonic Lodge will meet Tuesday night at 8 o’clock and on Friday night for work in the Master’s Degree.