Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 HE TRYOS DULY BELLETi The World's Smallest daily Newspaper._Seth M. Vining. Editor Vol. 25—No. 102 TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 20TH 1952 CONVERTED GANGSTER TO TELL LIFE STORY Anthony Zeoli, evangelist and Bible teacher, will give his life story from prison to pulpit on S^Jidav night at 7:45 in the big 2 miles South of Landrum ou the Spartanburg - Asheville highway. The Rev. R. R. Brooks stated Thursday: “Zeoli will portray in his graphic inimitable word picture the amazing, and astounding and almost incredible story of his life.” Born in Philadelphia in 1898, of Italian parents, Zeoli as a school boy ran away from home to seek adventure. He soon found himself in the heart of the Philadelphia underworld. While in the underworld Zeoli was introduced to dope which he soon learned to like and to use. Within a very short time Zeoli found himself to be a slave to the dope. For nine years he tried hard to free himself of the dope J^&rjt, by taking treatment after ^JpEtment. Zeoli claims that there is but one cure for sih and for the dope habit, that cure said Zeoli is not “will power,” but the power of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood. Christ alone can break the power of sin, dope and drink and Christ alone can set the prisoner free. Converted in the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia Oc tober 22, 1920, through a New Testament which was sent to him by a relative, Zeoli soon got a grasp of the word of God which he studied by day and night, and which he hid in his heart, and committed to memory. He was granted permission hy the prison authorities to preach in —,—Continued on Page Fquv_ v AT CHURCHES SUNDAY Tryon Presbyterian: Rev. Joe Wagner, Pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m., Melvin Bhrns, Supt. Morn ing worship ll. Sermon': “Infant Baptism/’ Congregational meet* j ing at 12. Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Prayer service Tuesday at 7:30. Choir practice Tuesday 8:15. Episcopal: Rev. Charles L. Mc Gavern, Rector. 8 a. m., Holy Com munion; 10 a. m., church school, (nursery class 11 a. m.); 11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon, “Unfamiliar with the Familiar” by Dr. Taylor. Tuesday, 8 a. m., Holy Communion, St. John, Bap tist. Wednesday, 10:30 a. m., Holy Communion. Columbus Presbyterian: Rev. T. C. Bailey, Pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m., Bill McFarland, Supt. Morning worship 11. Youth Fel lowship 7 p. m. Mid-week service, Thursday 8 p.*m. Bible school June 23-July 2. Sermon topic: “Old Testament Public Worship.” Tryon Methodist: Rev. Paul F. Davis, Pastor. 10 a. m., church school, Dr. C. W. McCall, Supt. Sermon 11 a. m., “The Lord’s Prayer.” 7:30 p. m., Youth Fel lowship. Christian Science Society: 11 a. m., at edifice, 1st Street. Subject: “Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved By Atomic Force?" Meet ings the 1st Wednesday of each month at 8 p. m. Sunday school at same hour as church service. Read ing room, church edifice, 10-12 a. m., Tuesday and Friday. Congregatoinal: Rev. Orville H. White, Minister. Church school 9:45 a. m., Nelson Jackson, Supt. Morning worship 11, with the Rev. Robert C. Falconer, guest minister. (Nursery class provided at this hour). Second Baptist: Rev. Robert _Continued, on Back Page__