The World's Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 108 TKYON, N. C, MONDAY, JUNE 30TH, 1952 Published Daily Except [Est.. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Friday: high 103, low 80. Rel. Hum 49; Saturday high 102, low 70, rain .18, Rel. Hum. 05; Sunday high 93, low 08, Rel. Hum. 57. . . Tryon Country Club members and guests are planning a big July 4th with golf tourna ment. games and dinner. Today is last day for members to notify Mrs. Paul Culberson of dinner reservations at G:30. The entry fee for golf tournament is 50c; guests will have the green fee additional. The day is expected to he the biggest ever at the club. Prizes for various contests. . . •khead-on automobile crash Sun JP on Highway 176 near Pisgah Church in Spartanburg County completely demolished the auto mobiles of Dean Shields of Tryon and Roy Mabry of Kevil, Ky. Only minor injuries were suffer ed bv the occunants. . . Will Bridge man of Landrum lost his house and all contents by fire Saturday afternoon when it was struck by lightning. Col. Buchlv At Kiwanis Enoch Phather Jr. will be in charge of the Kiwanis club Tues day at 1 p. m. at Oak Hall and will have as guest speaker, Col. W. E. Buchly. DICK—RANGE The wedding of Mrs. Margaret Huxley Range and Robert Lacey Dick Jr. was solemnized Saturday noon at the Chapel of the Church of the Holy Cross in Tryon, with the Rev. Charles L. McGavern, rector, officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her father Henry M. Huxley of Evanston, 111. and she was attended by her children young Misses Car roll and Harriet Range and Ned Range. Mr. Dick had as best man his son, Robert L. Dick III of Spencer, N. C. Among the out of town guests were Mrs. Ben F. Teeter, Harris burg, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sitough, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dick III; Miss Anne Page Brydon, and Miss Catherine C. Coleman, Charlottesville, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Sullivan, Concord; Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Huxley. Mr. and Mrs. Dick have gone to Maine and other New England States for a three weeks wedding trip, after which they will be at their home, Carrollwood, in Gil lette Woods. HOSPITAL NEWS Recent admissions to St. Lukes Hospital include: Mrs. James She han. Columbus; Robert Constance, son of Mrs. Mattie Constance. Patients discharged were: Mrs. Hubert Pack,Mill Spring; Miss Penny Boone, Tryon; Fred David son, Tryon; Mrs. Lloyd Ravan and I baby son, Michael Lawrence of Tryon. Spartanburg Herald reports that Ruby Waters of Tryon is a patient in General Hospital.