Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]_Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRT! DAILY BULLETIN / n ^ F/f / A, I .1’ ~ — 7 7 A . 1 m ■ w XT- --. _ _ _ _ The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper Vol. 25—No. 115 TRYON, N. C Seth M. Vining, Editor WEDNESDAY. JULY 9TH ipso Weather Tuesday: High 8f>, low C7, rain 1.80, Rel. Hum. 74. Nearly two inches of rain really does some good.The Republican Na'tkmaf Convention claims the spotlight these days. Former Presi dent Herbert Hoover received a big ovation when he addressed the delegates Tuesday night . . . The All-Star baseball game between the Americans and Nationals was also heard by millions Tuesday afternoon until the game was call ed in the 6th inning on account of rain. The Nationals won 3-2 at ohibe Park, Philadelphia . . In South Carolina political cam ,/^gns, J- Allen I ambright, form 'IMJtf of Landrum, won the post of solicitor of the Seventh Circuit Mr. Lambright had Served two terms in the state legislature and as county solicitor. He is a form er district governor of Lions In ternational . . . Tracy J. Gaines, former Green Creek school prin cipal, was re-elected to the legis lature. A number of ^outh Caro lina people have been arrested in South Carolina for buying North Carolina liquor and taking it back to South Carolina .... Try on ABC Officer Claude Scoggins, states that he eut down a num ber of illicit distilleries during the month of June . . . Herbert Hoover calls on Americans to _Continued on Back r(hge_— man is sinful Bishop M. George Henry, head of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, spoke to the Kiwanis Club Tuesday at Oak Hall on Communism. Bishop Henry stated that com munistic ideals are very similar to our own Christian Religion’s Kingdom of God. The speaker felt ^iiat the big difference is in their conception of man and sin. The communists believe that man is perfect and that if they can rid themselves of the bourgeoise then man will be classless and live in peace and harmony. The Christian idea is that man is born with sm and no man is perfect. This brought on the lim itation of powers in our govern ment and provided for our system of checks and balances. According to the American belief, anv man given power will use it for his own selfish means and will take advantage of those weaker than he. Bishop Henry also stated that any man given complete security from the cradle to the grave, which is what, the communists and so cialists promise, will deteriorate. They no longer strive to improve or to get ahead. He felt that the greatness of our civilization is largely dependent on the competi tion that has brought about our many improvements. Dr. George S. Vosburgh Jr., was inducted into the club and Rev. Charles L. McGavern was a guest. The speaker was introduced by Harold Griffith. George Mar ting was in charge of the pro gram. FOR MEMORIAL FUND: St. Luke’s Hospital Memorial Fund has received two contributions in memory of Miss Diana L. Nash.