[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] • ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE M AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE THTOJI DULY BIILLETI 1 hr World’s Smallest DAILY Newsjmper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 119 TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1952 I? Weather Monday: High 92, low ||62, Rel. Hum. 62 . . . The Demo te rats are getting ready for their national convention in Chicago with Kefaufer, Russell, Harriman, • Kerr, Barkley, McMahon and may !|be Stevenson in the race . . . Spar v tanburg area goes on 24 hour |l highway patrol program to cut U down speeding and traffic acci *>: dents .... The Jasper Park HLodge in the Canadian Rockies re imports that Mr. and Mrs. H. M. • Carruth of Tryon are registered there at the world famous resort. H This is a kind of service the Tryon Chamber of Commerce in | coc^jM^tion with the hotels, has fl tf about doing . . . President Truman signs bill to permit price | fixing . . . The superline United | States has returned from England | breaking speed record in three ! days, 12 hours and 12 minutes . . . | Prices lifted on 90 per cent of ; vegetables and iruits . . . lryon ;■ enjoying better weather now than many places in New England . where it was 100 at Boston, and \ 71 low there compared to Tryon’s 62 . . . Senator George Smathers o^ Florida will dedicate new gym nasium today at Chimney Rock Camp for Boys. He had attended the camp when he was a little boy and later as a counselor. He .Continuea on Back Page_ Herbert Mehaffey Buried Sun. Herbert Lee Mahaffey, 21, U. S. Navy, brother of Mrs. Mildred Mahaffey Mathis, former Tryon school teacher, was buried Sun day afternoon at 4 at. Holston Creek Baptist Church. Seaman Mahaffey, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mahaffey of Cam pobello Route 2, was killed in line of duty at Sasebo Bay, Japan on June 17th. Eastern Star at Brevard The Skyuka Chapter will meet with Hendersonville and Brevard Chapters in Brevard on Tuesday night at 8 p. m., for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Ma tron, Mrs. Helen Bell Rimmer, of Sanford, N. C. Mrs. Joan Cabe, formerlv of Tryon is Worthy Ma tron of Pisgah Chapter in Brevard. Cleaning Pacolet River The stream pollution project in Pacolet River Valley being con ducted by the District Health De partment has shown much progress since its beginning last May, 1952. The cooperation from residents of this section has been excel lent. Only in three instances has the sanitarian been confronted with difficulties in attempting to have people remove their sewer out fall from the river. Smooth sailing, however, has not been a persistant factor. Tech nical problems envoi ving large commercial establishments have had to be worked out. Residental sections served by a 50 year-old sewer system have been encounter ed. Private homes located in areas the topography of which make it practically impossible to install a ... Continued on Back Page —