[Est. 1-31-28] ENTERED AS SECOND _ AT TRYON, N. Published Daily Except _Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3. 1879 THE THV1 DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 121 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 17^ 1952 Weather Wednesday: High 93, low 65, rain .07, Rel. Hum. 54 . . . Senator Richard Russell and head quarters staff have arrived in Chicago for the National conven ' tion. He predicts he’ll get 300 votes on the first poll and get the nomination as his lead increases to the majority in about 6 roll calls. Kefaufer is expected to have most votes on first call . . The Tryon ABC store sold over $47,000 worth of liquor during June, and the state as a whole sold more than $4 million worth on which high taxes were paid. Taxes on the J^guor for Tryon and Polk County 'dPfis over $4,000 for the month. This does not account for all the lifluor consumed in this area, be cause there is no wav to check on the amount sold by illicit stills in the county, and on which no tax can be collected except when the manufacturer is caught and fined. Sheriff Lovd B. Panther is reported to have destroyed a still several days ago and enforcement officer destroved two stills recently . . . Tonight at 7:45 is duplicate bridge night at Oak Hall, and the Indian pageant at the Piedmont Boy Scout camp at Lake Lanier at 8. . . R. E. Brantley has charge of the Tryon Rotary Club program Friday and will present a group from the cast _Continued from Page One___ COLUMBUS NEWS By Mrs. Edward H. Staggs. Mr. and Mrs. Burley Johnson and son, Wayne, returned Satur day after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bateman at Abilene, Texas. Mrs. J. W. Thomas of Fairfax, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olsen of St. Joseph, Mo., were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Head and Mr. and Mrs. Ramond Astin of Rutledge, Ga., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walden Thomp son. Mr. Head was :u service 3 years with Mr. Thompson in World War II. On Sunday they motored to Mt. Mitchell. Mrs. John Gibson and Ed Gib son left Sunday to visit Corp. and Mrs. Jack E. Hutcherson at Fort | Benning, Ga. Ed returned Mon 1 day, while Mrs. Gibson remained to snena tne weeK. Miss Rita Robbins returned to Avondale Sunday after spending last week with her grandmother, Mrs. L. B. Robbins. E. H. Gibbs, who attended the Republican convention in Chicago returned Monday. The Home Demonstration Club met Monday night at the home of Mrs. T. W. Owens with Mrs. Caro lyn F. Brady, county agent, in charge of the program, who gave an interesting demonstration on “Easier Ironing.” Mrs. wens and co-hostess. Mrs. H. L. Arledge, served refreshments to 20 present. The WMS otf the Columbus Baptist Church met Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Arledge. The topic of the urogram was “Liberty and Justice for All”. Those taking part on the program were Mrs. Arledge, Mrs. Mollie I _Continued on Bank Page_.