Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _At tryon, n. c. under the act of CONGRESS, march 3, 1879 THE TRYON DAILY BlILLETI The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. 1 Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 136 TRYON, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 1952 Different parts of the Tryon area received rain Wednesday and some only a sprinkle. A small rain began again about 10 o’clock this morning. Spartanburg report ed a high of 85 and a low of Q9. .... South Carolina ^Democratic convention Wednesday" voted to support the national ticket, but promised to do everything possible to put Republican nominees on another ticket to permit the peo ple to vote for the men of their ‘choice . . . North Carolina has been declared in the disaster area on account of the drought .... Commissioner L. R. Fisher has fired Colonel J. R. Smith of the 4nte Highway Patrol and has j^'moted Captain W. B. Lentz to take his place . . . The Hen dersonville Welfare Club is having an Estate Tour, Saturday, - Aug. 9th. Buses will leave St. James Episcopal Church at 10 a. m., promptly to visit the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCabe and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben B. Robertson and St. John’s-in-the-Wilderness Episcopal Church. Buses leave the same place at 2 p. m., to visit the homes of Henry Middleton, “Wood field Inn, Col. James C. Smoot, and Dr. Edward Jones. Tickets are $1.50 for one tour or $2.50 for both (advance sale only) and may be procured at the west side branch of the State Trust Co., through Fr;day, from 10 to 4. SALUDA NEWS LETTER By Julia Ann Johnson. Miss Lou Emma Humphries of Mayo, S. C., and Miss Jeane Ivey of Cowpens, S. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Adger M. Pace of Lawrence bur^ Tenn., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Johnson. Mrs. Henry Davis, who has been at her cottage for most of the sum mer has gone to Columbia for a visit. Saturday night, August 9th, the big singing will be held at the Saluda High School building. Mr. and Mrs. Adger M. Pace of Law renceburg, Tenn., will attend. Mr. Pace is said to be one of the best music writers in the United States. Lots of visiting quartets and singers from several states will be there. Everybody is wel come. No admission charged. All singers will be given a place on the program. On Sunday, August 10th, there will be an all day sing ing and dinner on the ground at Moutain Page Church. This is called a Pace reunion. Mr. Pace from Lawrenceburg, Tenn., attends each year. On Friday night. Aug. 8th, Roy L. Johnson will close a 10 nights’ singing school at Cedar Springs Church in Henderson County. That night there will be all singing and no lesson. The pub lic is invited. The deacons of the Baptist church will hold their monthly meeting Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Burgie Pace. Mrs. Jane Henderson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edd Snell at Fruit land this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dana of Columbia, spent last week-end at their cottage, Stoney Lodge, on Columbia Heights. The Ladies of the Presbyterian .Continued on Back Bage