Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday amd Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRIOS MILS BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 125 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3RD, 1952 Weather luesday: High 81, low 67, rain .24, Rel. Hum. 60 . . . At torney General Harry McMullen will review two election violations this week in Raleigh. One concerns charges of voting unregistered peo ple in Henderson County, and the other about ballots being stolen in Polk County . . . Tryon Bank & Trust Co:, has made application to open a branch bank in Colum bus. State Banking Commission will have a hearing on Sept. 19th at the Court House . . . Radar is at work in Tryon on Highway 176 near the Hospital road entrance. It reports automobiles speeding over [>5 miles per hour. So watch your jtoiep “on the gas”.. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Brannon and Mrs. C. B. DuCharme are sailing Friday on the Isle De France from Pier 88, New York for six weeks’ tour to Europe .... Troy Tucker has returned home from General Hos pital, Spartanburg and can have visitors .... Cliffside in adjoin ing Rutherford County had over 12 inches of rain in August, twice the amount Tryon received . . .The Fisher reunion will be held Sunday at Warrior Chapel. Dinner will be served on the ground and a pro gram is being arranged . . . Mr. and Mrs. George Huff of Keokuk, Iowa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hooper ... Jim JacksOh _Continued on Back Page_ No Anaesthesia, Please Dr. George S. Vosburgh spoke to the Kiwapis Club Tuesday on “The Evolution of Medicine.” Dr. Vosburgh gave a brief sketch of medicine and the progress that it has made since beginning of man. The speaker pointed out the tremendous strides that has been made in medicine during the past century. He told of the first medi cal schools in this country and of the difficulty they had in secur ing bodies which often led to grave robbing. Dr. Vosburgh told of the prog ress that had been made in bac teriology since Louis Pasteur proved that certain bacteria caus ed diseases. He also gave the his tory of anesthesia from the time the doctors placed a wooden bowl upon a patient’s head and hit it until 'the patient was unconscious to the present use of ether. Albert Simpson showed some... slides of the Girl Scout Day Camp on Lake Lanier taken by Miss Jane Brown. Guests of the club were Henry T. Boswell Washington, D. C.; j. Frank Gallimore, Tryon; Rev. W. S. S'tonev, Anniston, Ala., and Tom Costa, Tryon. Stearns School Teachers David A. Cromer principal; Mrs. I.eEoy Leppard, 1st grade; Miss Eunice Cloud, 2nd grade; Mrs. W. A. Burgess Jr., 2nd; Mrs. Carl Whitlow, 3rd;; Mrs. Sidney Smith, 4th; Mrs. Marjorie Wallen 5th; Mrs. James Swain 6th; Hoyt Mc Entire. 7th; Mrs, Hoyt McFntire, 8th; T. B. Prince, 8th. The Columbus Garden Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:30 with Mrs. Jack Craig. Mrs. H, L. Arledge is program chairman.