Published Daily Except fEst. 1-31-28]Saturday amd Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT 'OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ THE TRYON DULY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 128 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, SEPT. 8TH,’ 1952 Weather Friday: high 73, low 49, Rel. Hum. 64; Saturday high 85, low 50, Rel. Hum. 48; Sunday high 89, low 51, Rel. Hum. 50. . . Mrs. Caroline Hale has received news of the death of Edward Kin sey on Friday at the Orange Mem orial Hospital, Orlando, Fla. follow ing a long illness. Mrs. Kinsey who is ill is now in the same hos pital, Room 509, Orlando. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey lived in Tryon ap proximately 15 years in the house they built at the foot of Piney Mt. Mr. Kinsey was a former teach er of voice in New York and con tinued teaching after he moved t^Tryon. Masonic funeral services j^Abeing held today (Monday) in ^roindo. The Kinseys moved to Florida last year. . . L. J. Fleenor, 56, father of Mrs. William D. Prather of Tryon, died this morn ing in Charlotte following a heart attack on Thursday. Mr. and Flee nor spent payt of their vacation here two weeks ago. . . Keen in terest and close competition is being manifested in the battle for the men’s championship at the Tryon Country Club. . . Mrs. Ted Fox is a patient in a Roanoke, Va. hospital. . . . Todays headline features another government for Egypt as the Army throws out Premier Maher and installs Naguib in his place in order to clean out corruption. Hard fighting continues in Korea. TRYON 12 COWPENS 0 The Tryon Tigers took advant age of the breaks on Friday after noon and rolled to a 12-0 win over Cowpens in the opening game of the season. After Jim Cowan re covered a Cowpen’s fumble in the first quarter, the Tryonites moved downfield to score with Ronnie Ross going over from the three yard line. Jim Ballew’s attempt for the extra point fell short. After holding the Raiders in check for two more quarters, the Tigers began to roll in the final period as their passing attack began to click. Raleigh Parker tossed to Lyle Dorow who galloped the re maining 20 yards to score. Ballew’s kick for the exta point was short. Phillips and Dupre were out standing defensively for Cowpens, while James was the offensive star. For Tryon, Hugh Hines, Jim Cowan, and Wallace Lankford were excellent on defense, while Dorow, Ross, and Parker took offensive honors. The Tryon line-up. Ends, Dorow, Hines; tackles, Bob Turner, Pres ton Foster, Cowan; guards, Dan Edwards, Allan Pruette, Fred " Ashley; center, Gay Corpening; backs. Kite Biedler, Ross, Parker* Lankford, Lynwood Thompson, Dan Williams.—School Reporter. Dr. and Mrs. Austin Woody and sons John and William have re turned to Tryon after a vacation in New Jersey and Philadelphia. Miss Jane Puckett who was graduated from Agnes Scott Col ledge in June and is now teaching the 7th grade in Asheville, spent the weekend in Tryon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Puckett.