[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday aoid Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE TOT DMT BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 138 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, SEPT. 22ND, 1952 Weather Friday: high 84, low 54, rain .06; Rel. Hum. 78; Sat urday high 87, low 60, Rel. Hum. 70; Sunday high 78, low 65, Rel. Hum. 72. . . This is national dog week. Everybody admires a boy and his dog. This is a good week to recognize the activities of the young people. All those who have promised to help raise money for the lighting of Harmon Field have only a few days as most of the equipment has arrived. The long poles came in on two railroad cars, and they were too long to make fl^Vcnrves on the mountain rail Lj-ds between here and Tennessee and had to be shipped by way of Atlanta, Ga. and up through Spart anburg. This ennipment was >'Ouvht on faith. Will you who are interested respond in time to meet the payments? The Lord helps those who help themselves and the School children have donated $66 from their spending money for 4his purpose Now is the time to light up with your contributions. FPH GOODLOE: “You know, the longer these two birds politic for the Presidency, the more the water seems to muddy. To my wav of thinking, it’s a good thing we ^ot» THIS vear, and not later.” —W. M. Bissell. TAYLOR—DAVIS Miss Barbara Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eugene Davis of Columbus, N. C. became the bride of Seth Julius Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor of Tryon, Sunday, Sept. 21st at the Columbus Baptist Church with the Rev. Le Roy Leppard, pastor of the bride officiating at the double ring ceremony. Wedding- music was rendered by Miss Eunice Cloud, organist, and Mrs. Clarence Rhodes, soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a white ballerina dress of nvlon net and lace. Her veil was illusion topped with seed pearls. She carried a white Bible covered with an orchid. The bride’s only attendant was the maid of honor, her sister, Miss Sydney Davis. The groom had as his best man, his brother-in-law, Roy C. Eld ridge of Snartanburg. Ushers were Harold Taylor, brother of the groom and Paul F. Westbrook, unde of the bride. A part.v was given Saturday night following the rehearsal for the wedding party and relatives of the couple, at the bride’s home by her mother. After a wedding trip the couple will live at Snartanburg where the groom is employed by Nolan Co. Among: those from Tryon at tending the wedding of Ralph C. Erskine Jr. to Miss Celia Kaler in Vineland, N. J. on Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Erskine Sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Bartol Jr.; Mrs. Carroll Rogers and Mrs. M. Parish Watson. Mrs. Roerers went on from New Jersey to Utica, N. Y. for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Elliott Metcalf and family.