Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]_Saturday and Sunday_[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOSi DAILY BULLETIN The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 244 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, SEPT. 29TH, 1952 Weather Friday: High 81, low 46, Rel. Hum. 48; Saturday high 85, low 48, Rel. Hum. 45; Sun day high 82, low 49. Rel. Hum. 56 . . . The big headlines say Stevenson published his income tax report Zor the past 10 years. He made nearly half a million and paid out nearly half of it in taxes. In his disclosure of contributions to his special fund the name of Mrs. Edward H. Bennett Jr., of Lake Forest, 111., was listed by the Atlanta Journal ... In the Methodist appointments announced today, Rev. H. A. Pruyn was re turned to the Tryon church, Rev. JpVl Hansell to Saluda. Rev. G. 'w§rLovetfe to Mill Spring; and Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald is the new district superintendent succeeding Dr. Ware . . . The largest crowd ever to see a football game in Tryon turned out Fridav night to see the lighted field and every one expressed pleasure over the re sults. The lighted field enabled whole families to be together and see the game and join in the spirit of the occasion. New con tributions have come in to pay for the lighting equipment from Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Holthouser, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Lavender, Mrs. Wil lard Young, Dr. and Mrs. Austin Woody . . . Ted Fox, Tryon Golf _Continued on Back Page_ Fred Edwards Golf Champion Fred Edwards defeated Ray Ferguson 3 and 1 for the Tryon I Country Club golf championship Sunday in a 36 hole match. Ed wards was 4 up at the half way mark. Ferguson evened the match on the 30th as he made a remark able comeback, but Edwards pulled ahead during the next six holes to gain three holes. The match end [ ed on the 35th but they played | it out with each getting a three on the last hole. The morning 18 holes showed Edwards one under par with a 71 and Ferguson with a 74. In the afternoon Ferguson shot par golf with a 72 and Ed wards had a 74. In the first flight finals for 18 holes Jim Haushalter defeated Jim Gibson 5 and 4. In the championship consola tion K. A. Bowen defeated Peter Mahler 2 and 1. In the first flight consolation Julian Calhoun defeated Guy So wards 3 and J. . TRYON 0; MARS HILL 27 Playing their first game under the lights of Harmon Field, the Tryon High Tigers fell before the Mars Hill Wildcats by a score of 27-0 last Friday night. Mars Hill scored once in the second and third quarters and twice in the fourth. Tryon’s offense didn’t get started until the fourth quarter when passes from Raleigh Parker to Lyle Dorow carried the Tigers to Mars Hill’s four yard line, but there they lost the ball on downs. Today the Tigers start drills for their game next Friday night at Harmon Field against the Boiling Spring-Chesnee team. DAILY BULLETINS'—5c each