Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday a/nd Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THU Timu Him BlILLEH The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper._Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 250 TRYON, N!~a TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1952 Weather Monday: High 81. low 41, Rel. Hum. 55 . . . Frost is predicted for the mountain area tonight when +he thermometer goes down to 34 . . . Final game of World Series will be played to day beginning at 1 o’clock. Yan kees won yesterday to tie the series 3-3. The first team to win four out of seven becomes the champion. . . . . Carolinas District Kiwanis convention is meeting in Charlotte Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. K. A. Bowen and P. L. Barnette repre sented the Tryon club as delegates. . . . . Chairman R. E. Brantley of the ABC Board stated the other day that $10,000 of the profits from the ABC store has been divid jdfeis follows: to Town of Tryon, VpbO; to Polk County, $2,500; to Harmon Field, $500. After paying out this $10,000 there still re mains $38,020.21 which is being reserved ior operating capital . . . Congressman Monroe Redden ad dressed the Polk County Young Democrats at their Rally at Har mon Field Saturday and the Re publicans are getting ready for their big meeting at Mill Spring this coming Saturday when Gen eral Eichelberger will speak for his friend, General Eisenhower. Public invited to hear him . . . This is Fire Prevention Week. Some little children playing with matches the other day in Spartanburg _Continued on Back Page_ CAMPAIGN CONTINUES Membership Chairman Jim Gib son of the Tryon Little Theatre reports that membership applica tions are coming’ in. Tryouts for “The Curious Mrs. Savage,” the first Little Theatre Production of the season, will be held at Oak Hall, Tuesday eve-: ning, October 7th, at 8, and every one is invited to attgsnd. MASONS MEET THURSDAY Jeff L. Nfelson Masonic Lodge, will hold an emergent meeting on Thursday night at 7:30 at the hall for work in the Master’s Degree, according to Worshipful Master Demus Chapman. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include George Littlejohn of Tryon and Mrs. Lois Turner of Landrum. Patients discharged in clude Miss Vinnie Foster of Co lumbus and Orval Corn of Tryon. PIG SHOW THURSDAY A Hampshire Pig Show will be held at Harmon Field Thursday, October 9th, at 2:30 prior to the 4-H Poultry Auction Sale. Poultry Specialist W. G. Andrews of Ral eigh will be present. Public in vited. Rummage Sale at Parish House NEXT WEEK, October 18th, and not this week. EPH GOODLOE: “All my folks here at home have new winter clothes. For which I’m mighty thankful. But if we have more than a mild-frost, I will be confined I to my teepee!”—W. M. Bissell.