Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ THE TRM DAILY BIMETIY The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vininp. Editor Vol. 25—No. 251 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 8 1952 Weather Tuesday: High 73, low 53, Rel. Hum. 60 . . . The Yankees defeated Brooklyn Tuesday 4-2 to retain the world’s championship. . . . . The theft of Polk County primary ballots is being investigat ed this morning at the Court House in Columbus by ^he State Board of Elections . . . Dr. Rembert Burgess, president of Spartanburg Junior College was elected Gover nor of the- Carolinas Kiwanis Dis trict Tuesday at the convention in Charlotte and S. J. Westmoreland of Marion was elected lieutenant governor of this division . . . All people interested in helping young jaraDle do better things will enjoy ^iSpoultry show and auction sale iSnirsday at Harmon Field be ginning at 2:30 with avpig show. These projects are put on by the 4-H Club. Anyone interested in buying good laying pullets can get the best and at the same time help a fund to purchase more chicks for some other 4-H Club boy or girl .... Gen. Robert L. Eich elberger, who is to speak at the Eisenhower Rally at Mill Spring Saturday night, is the husband of Emma Gudger of North Caro lina, and is a very distinguished officer, having won many honors of merit including the distinguished service cross and medal with many oak leaf clusters. He served in the New Guinea and New Britain campaigns. 40 YEARS IN POLK Miss Mae Irene Flentye who leaves Tryon next week for her new home in Illinois, will speak on “40 Years in Polk County” at the Rotary Club Friday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall. Jim Jackson has charge of the program. Mr. Jackson says from what he has heard Miss Flentye has prob ably done more different things to help build Polk County than any other woman. Two years ago she was named the “Man of the Year” by both Kiwanis and Rotary clubs and was presented a certificate for distinguished service to the coun ty at a joint meeting of the two clubs given in her honor. Reading in The Polk County News of about 30 years ago an article stated that Miss Flentye with several other ladies was in strumental in bringing to Polk County its first Farm Home Dem onstration Agent, Miss Sara Maude Padgett. She remained a constant friend and advisor to all succeed ing home agents and worked with them to improve rural life in every way all over the county. As a member of the County Board of Education, and later of the Tryon School Board she worked for better .school equipment and better teach ers. Her pet project for many years was the development of the Sunny View school for the mdtfn-v tain children of Cooper’s Gat). Miss Flentye was a member of the original Garden Club that bought Pearson’s Falls and under took the job of paying for it to preserve it for posterity. She sought the aid of influential people to make it a success. She was a member of the Public Welfare Board that gave aid to _Continued on Back Page_