Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday amd Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TKVOV DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 254 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1952 Weather Friday: High 61, low 47, rain .07; Rel. Hum. 81; Satur day high 70, low 48, Rel. Hum. 60; Sunday high 68, low 53, Rel. Hum. 65 ... . Piedmont Boy Scout Council Committees and Executive Board members will meet Tuesday, October 14th, at First Baptist Church, Shelby. Committee meet ings at 6 and dinner meeting at 7:15 ... . Tryon Kiwanis Club will Yneet Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall with J. Albert Simpson in charge of progrem . . . The Ways and Means Committee of the Tryon P.-T. A. is leaving no stone burned in preparation for the ■a^lget Dance Wednesday night. A ilfl^ve banner stretches across Trade Street advertising the Street Dance. The cloth and rope were bought at one of the stores. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Porter painted the lettering free of charge and Tryon Builders donated the filler to treat the sign with oil and make it durable for several years with only the date to be changed. Demus E. Chapman a director of the Blue Ridge Safety Council will attend a council meeting on Tuesday at Shelby at 7 p. m., at the Community Center where a Forum For Safety will be conduct ed. Authorities on various phases of safety will be in charge of the program and will include safety in the home, factory, highway and . Continued on Back Page_ POLK COUNTY ELECTION CHIEF IS REMOVED Ned Anderson has been removed as Polk County election chairman. The North Carolina Board of Elections took the action in Ashe ville Friday after studying find ings of a hearing held here Wed nesday and Thursday. Charles M. Britt of Asheville, chairman, said Anderson’s succes sor had been appointed. His name was withheld until he is notified. Theft of election ballots from Deputy Sheriff Sellers Edwards’ car on the day of the primary, touched off the probe by S. B. I. and local officers. More than 40 witnesses appeared at the hearing. Most of them either said they did not know any thing about “the theft of the bal lots’’ or were reluctant to take the stand. The board, ruling in closed ses sion in Asheville, ordered Ander son removed for alleged “negli gence in perfoiming duties as chairman.” It ruled on the following counts: Failure to use reasonable precau tion in transporting official blank ballots on June 28, the date of the Democratic primary; failure to use the necessary precaution and care required of him to locate the bal lotsl after they were removed from the car in which they were being transported; and failure to report promptly the rmoval of the ballots to the proper authorities. The board also voted to turn over the S. B. I. report and other evidence to Attorney General Har ry McMullen. He will be instruct ed to forward evidence to Solicitor Clarence O. Ridings of Forest City “for such action as said solicitor shall deem necessary.”