Published Daily Except [Est. 1-31-28]Saturday and Sunday[5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRIM DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 263 TRYON, N. C. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1952 Curb Reporter Weather Friday: high 82, low 47, Rel. Hum. 38; Saturday high 79, low 48, Rel. Hum. 44; Sunday high 70, low 37, Rel. Hum. 45. . . Asheville churches are praying for L_A Town Manager C. 0. Smith (^►rryon says the situation here is worse and that everybody must save water in order for all to have enough for essential needs. We must not water lawn or waste water in any way, until the emerg ency is over. SAVE WATER. Hattie McDaniel,, famous Negro movie actress died yesterday of i cancer. Nelson Jackson Honored The Congregational Church and Sunday School grave a surprise nartv Friday night at the Church House in honor of Nelson Jackson and presented to him a bronze plaque in appreciation of his in spiring: leadership as Sunday School Superintendent for thirty one years. additional surprise was the iWsence of his daughter, Mrs. Louis F. Bunte and family of Atlanta who were let in on the secret to take part in the program. Mr. Bunte and Mrs. Nelson Jack son II sang two duets; Mrs. Bunte was the accompanist and young Laura Marie Bunte gave a piafro solo. Prior to the program Mrs. How ard Frankenfield gave several piano numbers. Rev. Orville White wag in charge of the program and Sieth M. Vining gave a brief sum mary of the improvements made in the Sunday School under the lead ership of Mr. Jackson. Cake, Cof fee and punch were served to about 150 members. SPEAKS HER£ TONIGHT Dr. F. P. Gaines Dr. Francis Pendleton Gaines, president of Wofford College will be guest speaker tonight at the Tryon Chamber of Commerce ban quet which will be held at Oak Hall at 7 o’clock. Jerry Ball of Charlotte will give musical en tertainment. Retiring President Howard Frankenfield will give a summary of the past year’s workand Rev. Henry O. Hearn will give the in vocation. President George Cook sey will preside. Mrs. Lawrence Allen of Booth Harbour, Maine has taken an apartment at the Auberge.