[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOS DULY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newspaper. Vol. 25—No. 264 Seth M. Vining, Editor TRYON, N. C. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1952 Weather Monday: High 77, low 36, Rel, Hum. 40 . . . The foilage is beautiful now with all the fall colors. The winds have blown many of the leaves off and some trees are almost bear. Everyone who can should take a ride up the Valley and over the moun tains .... Over 300,000 acres of .mountain timberland is on fire and the atmosphere is smoky! Rain is needed badly. Foresters urge no one to burn leaves at this time. SAVE WATER. Politics are getting warmer. A reader called this morning and said one reason we’ve had no water is because the politicians are using it to make mud .... Hallowe’en Carnival f^Trade Street Friday night, pjime parade, contests, games, d and fun for benefit of Tryon school .... W.SiC.S. annual Week of Prayer Wednesday. 3:30, at Tryon Methodist Church. Public invited .... Chairman Ned An derson states that Columbus Township has a total registration of 1,570, a gain of about 200 . . . Columbus Volunteer Firemen went through a test the other nght when a siren screamed out the dreaded warning and brought fire men out of their beds to the place of “danger” only to find that High way Patrolman J. E. Ramsey had driven up to his house just, when the wires in the patrol car got crossed up in some way. Court Finds Anderson’s Removal Not Warranted Burnsville — Judge F. Donald Phillips of Rockingham Monday ruled there was not sufficient evi dence on which to base an order of removal from office of Polk County Elections Chairman Ned Anderson. Judge Phillips, presiding over Yancey County Superior Court in the Courthouse here, declared the State Elections Board order of October 10 removing Anderson from office null and void and of no effect. The judge found that the State Hoard of Elections did not proceed in accordance with due process of law in that: (1) There was no notice of charges. (2) It had no right to hear all witnesses whose testimony was considered. (3) Anderson was given no op portunity to defend himself. The State Board order grew out of the disappearance of 350 blank ballots during the June 28 runoff primary. Burnsville, rather than Colum bus, Polk County seat, was picked as the place for the hearing be cause Judge Phillips was presiding over a regular two-week Superior Court term here and Yancey and Polk both are part of the 18th Judicial District. R. L. Whitmire of Henderson ville was Anderson’s counsel. B. E. Samples had been named Ander son’s successor, but had been pre vented from taking office by a writ of certiorari obtained by Whit mire.—The Asheville Citizen. In 1910, farmers made up about 40 per cent of the U. S. Popula tion. In 1951, they made up about 15 per cent of the total.