[Est. 1-31-28] Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday [5c Per Copy] ENTLRED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOfll DAILY DLLLETIA The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 25—No. 265 TRYON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 29. 19K9 weather luesday: High 66, low 37, Rel. Hum 28 .... The inde pendent voters are getting con fused when fine Democrats like Governor Byrnes support Republi can Eisenhower and fine Republi cans like Carl Sandburg support Democrat Stevenson. It shows that both are fine men and there will be more than 51 per cent of the voters this time. Both sides and independents have been urg ing all eligible citizens to Vote for one or the other as an expression of the will of the people. ONE VOTE counts .... The annual dinner meeting of the Tryon Cham ber of Commerce Monday night #a delightful affair. Dr. Fran Pendleton Gaines, the chief speaker stressed the importance of the dual system of education, state supported schools, and private schools devoted to training Chris tian leaders, and the need for con tributions to support private schools Which are having difficul fv. Retiring President Howard B. Frankenfield Jr., gave a summary of the past year’s achievements, and Jerry Ball of Charlotte con ducted a piano program and quiz which kept the audience in laugh ter. Taking part on the quiz pro gram were President George Cook sey, John W. Cowan, Wayne W. Creasman, J. Lee Lavender, Law _Continued on Back Page.... LUMBER PLANT FIRE Tryon Builders Supply lumber plant near Bird Mountain caught on fire Tuesday about 5 p. m., in the shavings room. Tryon and Landrum Volunteer Fire Departments were called and the flames were soon brought un der control. The fire was kept with in the shavings room and boiler room. Approximately $1,000 dam age was done, mostly to the roofs of the shavings room and boiler roomi. No machinery or good lum ber was destroyed. The plant went back into operation Wednesday morning. ' ^niei Bircn Ariedge ot the Tryon Fire Department said the Landrum Fire Department did a good job in coming to the aid of the Tryon Department, thus dem onstrating the importance of mu tual aid. Alex Ariedge of the Builders Supply was high in praise of both departments, and said their prompt work saved the lum ber plant. WARNS OF FIRE County Forest Ranger 0. C. Feagan has issued a warning to all people not to burn any brush or grass during this dry weather. Many fires have gotten out of control recently and thousands of acres of forest land are being burn ed. MARRIED The Spartanburg Herald reports the marriage cf Lawrence Gray Newman and Edna Loria Newman of Tryon. After smning silver with a wax type liquid polish, be sure to wash it thoroughly in hot soapsuds.